EOSC Weekly Report #81 02/24–03/01


Work Completed

  1. EOS light nodes designed a support plan for heterogeneous EOSIO-Base chains, and sorted out the differences between common EOSIO-Base chains.
  2. Improved android support development documentation of EOSC/Codex.io.
  3. Improved the support for ETH simulator test.
  4. Analyzed EOSC FIP#17 to design design a configurable implementation plan for such needs.

Plan for Next Week

  1. Collate golang support libraries of the common EOS-Base chains to adapt with codex-go library.
  2. EOS light nodes split genesis configuration function
  3. Improve eosio.eth transaction processing.
  4. Implement EOSC FIP#17, design and test codes.

Community News

  1. The 15th EOSC Mainnet BP Meeting successfully concluded on February 26, 2020(UTC+8). At the meeting, the 5th term of the Secretariat was elected, A Proposal for Adjustment of the Secretariat’s Salary was approved, and A Proposal to Adjust The Publicity Period of Budget System was discussed.
  2. Yi Sir, the representative from the development team, made a sharing of EOSIO Hackthon development progress.
  3. The 5th term of the Secretariat held its first regular meeting, which divided the work of the Secretariat and arranged the recent work.
  4. EOSC English Community launched a Telegram Engagement Campaign, which aroused an active participation of the users.
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