Blockchain: Cryptomatoes are Here!

You heard it right, it is cryptomatoes and it is not a new coin!

Kamil Brejcha:

Who would imagine that mining cryptocurrencies and agriculture can work together? The first batch of cryptomatoes is ready to be harvested. We are using the excess heat for the tomato greenhouse and it is working:-)


So how is it done?

Kamil Brejcha:

We have developed something called "Cointainer" which is being placed in the basement and the heat is blown into the greenhouses. More details will be revealed soon.

It gets even better

Kamil Brejcha:

Well, we are also producing our own energy. The mining operations are powered by 100% bio-waste produced energy. So basically we have closed the energy cycle loop:-)


I honestly never liked the idea of wasting electricity to mine bitcoin because we already have some much waste of energy going into many industries and since the mining competition and industry is still growing, this is a remarkable example of how mining energy can be used and hope to see more examples like this in the future.

Source: @KamilBrejcha

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