The future is Blockchain

The incorporation of the internet into practically all facets of modern endeavours is certainly no news to the 21st century literate.

In business, academics, government, religion, economy, security - name them. It would be difficult to find a niche where the knowledge and application of the internet is not required.

Recently, there has been an all time high demand by employers for individuals who are proficient in the use of internet. This stems from the reality that no modern enterprise can attain or retain relevance without the internet.

Today, a super advanced technology from the internet called the Blockchain has evolved, with the concept of Cryptocurrencies as an extension to it.

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The Blockchain seeks to provide solutions to real-time world problems, while operating on a highly secured virtual platform.

Impressively, Nigerians are among the early adopters of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology. It might interest you to know that Nigeria ranks 3rd among the countries with the largest share of Bitcoin.

In the coming years, Government at all levels, Industries, Financial institutions and indeed, every stakeholder would be on the clamour for persons who are in the know of these concepts.

Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook only got to know about Blockchain Technology in 2018, so if you are one of the early adopters and crypto enthusiasts as I am, then be sure of multiple big bangs in the future.


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