DCC Founder & CEO Shares Mission and Vision at NYC Roadshow

NEW YORK, April 4, 2018 — Founder & CEO of DCC, Stewie Zhu, attended a joint interview at ABC, one of the top three TV networks in the US. He shared his insight into DCC’s business model, strengths and plans with journalists from multiple influential outlets, including Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Xinhua, iFeng and Sinovision. He also commented on the trends in fintech industry.

Later in the afternoon, Mr. Zhu visited Dr. Oz in the studio, and participated in the taping of his internationally-renowned show. He shared his journey as a serial entrepreneur, introducing DCC’s mission — to realize inclusive finance with blockchain technology. In addition, he commented on blockfin projects’ unique strengths in the context of China-US trade war.

Mr. Zhu will also be interviewed by CNBC on April 13.

About Distributed Credit Chain (DCC)

DCC is developing a public blockchain to establish business standards, reach consensus, deploy business contracts, implement liquidation and settlement services and more, for a variety of distributed financial business. Its first phase of blockchain development focuses on transforming the credit industry, where individuals have control of their financial history and private data.

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