Warning! OpenLedger & GenEOS Scam Alert. Fraudulent Activity Detected!

Hey guys! I’m an early adopter and a very disappointed Openledger investor. You know it’s a small exchange working on Bitshares blockchain. And it’s their exact copycat. I personally was investing approx. $20K in their shitty coins (Obits, ICOO etc. ) which now have almost zero liquidity. I can’t even sell them at a huge loss.


In short. A year ago Ronny Boesing, a self-titled Danish Bitcoin pioneer and CEO of Openledger has announced the launches of 4 new projects, namely: Ocash, Apptrade, Getgame and Edev promising the bright future of each. Since then and until now none of these projects is live, all are dead, 2 websites are even closed. Constantly asking about their current status I only receive lame excuses from Mr Boesing. Month by month, only poor excuses and nothing more. Here is what a cheated investor wrote about this case:


See original here: https://www.forexbrokerz.com/brokers/openledger-review

It’s clear to everyone they have been using their own funds to raise thresholds on all those crappy projects. There were no any Chinese investors, all things are completely made-up, all their statements are fully fabricated. Now their own tokens fell in price dramatically, their exchange daily trading volume is in deepest decline, dropped from $2–3M per day to tiny $100–300K.

All investors asking about the named projects on their Telegram group (now closed) are called spammers and trolls spreading fud. They all have been barred from the group.

The case. I recently noticed their announcement they become a partner with Nexgen One LLC - Nextgen.one. And OL calls itself the project adviser, see here: Geneos.io

Glancing over the partner’s page (nextgen.one) I quickly noticed a forgery. The phone numbers, member profiles, social networks are faked. Searching over the brand name on the web brought nothing. The company simply does not exist. Pure scam! Well, I started asking questions on their Telegram group about the project, and guess what? I got barred from the group as many others. Here are some excerpts from our correspondence:







Have you seen this? I was just trying to conduct my own due diligence asking crucial questions and what is the outcome? I was banned.

Moving forward. So what we currently have: no company existence, no real people behind the project, no social networks attached, no real contact info, nothing! The domain name Nextgen.io has registered just a month ago, even 2 months later than ICO on Geneos.io has started!

Domain Nextgen.one registered: 2018–06–14
Domain Geneos.io registered: 2018–03–28

The blockchain 4.0 they are trying to exalt is the exact copy of EOS blockchain, look at the FAQ section! Hey guys, this is the REAL SCAM!

I’m now doing the proper paperwork and the documents will be submitted to US SEC, FINRA, cyber police and other authority institutes. Obviously, the Openledger now in dire need of money. Recently they have also experienced a domain hijack (as they say so) and lots of users have lost the unnamed sum of money. The OpenLedger tries to keep it secret and is now playing for time with the deceived investors. Why knows, maybe they did the hijack on their own? It seems so.

All questions about compromised accounts and stolen funds are simply wiped out with no responses on the OL end! People keep asking about the lost coins but all requests end up being removed from the chat immediately. That’s more they now closed the group and opened a Telegram channel, so now nobody is able to ask crucial questions about their current and upcoming fraudulent projects.

Below you may see how investors are disappointed by OL:







The bottom line is nobody will ever invest in their own crappy projects. As they lost trust nobody will fund the above-mentioned projects since they are their own ones. They are trying to hide who behind the projects is, but it’s clear as the day: they are running both sites.

So the foreseeable prospect is: they are going to collect all the Geneos ICO’s money and as they are only so-called advisers they will be trying to disclaim responsibility. All investor’s funds will go down the drain.

I’m already a cheated investor and now want to warn the others: do your own due diligence prior to investing in such kind of shitty coins. And by no way do not invest in Openledger and in all their affiliated crappy projects. Mark my words: you will lose your money like me and thousands of others! My intention is not to seek my investment back but those who are entitled to it and to help future victims as well.

The OL dev team (the company named Aetsoft led by Nick Grebenkine) is amateurish and non-professional, constantly receiving tons of negative feedback from frustrated users. And it’s clear the Nextgen.one and Geneos.io are their own new projects.

They can’t even develop a website so that it looks natural! Just take a look at this page: https://nextgen.one/team-profile/


Funny, right? Default info, default contacts, fake people. Aetsoft and Openledger can’t even set up a real-looking website.. But they are aiming to collect your funds, guys! BTW, on the picture above is Alexander Landa, initially when clicking on his profile on the main page one could see this info. And this page still exists.

Further, after some research on the web I found out Ronny Boesing is only a frontman of Openledger, the real owner seems to be Nikolai Grebenkine so please be warned as all their companies may be closed anytime and new ones will come on, yet the people behind them will remain the same. They were also running CCEDK exchange (renamed to Openledger) which had also been labelled as a scam. They stole user’s funds as well. See some users’ feedbacks here:


Moving forward, for those who have already been scammed out by Openledger and CCEDK and have lost money be sure to fill in a complaint on the below sites. You can report online fraud via the internet anonymously. For example, the FTC has a nice form. Even if they ask it, you DON’T HAVE TO DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION.


In short folks, Geneos.io is a project designed to get people to sign up, hand over money, start delaying the withdrawals of funds and not deploying the project launch for as long as possible before disappearing with the money. You’d better go with your own due diligence. It won’t take long to detect stinky fish. The bad news is that during the ICO GenEos has already managed to attract a few hundreds of ETH in investments with their marketing campaign. Good news is there is still time to stop it. Or at least spread the news, and catch the scammers red-handed.

I hope you stay well clear of Geneos, Nextgen and ALL other Openledger projects no matter their own ones or where they are involved in as developers or advisers! The sole purpose of Openledger ApS., Aetsoft and all the people behind them is to take your money away from you. Remember: if no thresholds on their shitty ICOs are reached — another “Chinese investors” will appear, no funds will be returned to investors and everybody will lose their monies like many others lost.

Be careful guys! I usually never ask for sharing, however, I would appreciate it, in this case, to help get the word out to stay clear of Openleger, GenEos and Aetsoft and all the people behind them.

Take care!


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