The introduction of Bitcoin in 2008 started a whole new era in the financial sector, with digital currencies taking the forefront of the focus for over 10 years now and counting. Cryptographic currencies (Cryptocurrencies) have been divided into two parts, namely:

Bitcoin and Alternativecoins (mostly called "Altcoins", this is the name given to every cryptocurrency apart from Bitcoin). The number of new cryptocurrencies entering the market everyday has skyrocketed. These cryptocurrencies could either be associated with Blockchain protocols or Blockchain projects.

Cryptocurrencies as a result of Blockchain technology come with inumerable benfits such as decentralization, lack of geographical barriers, secure and fast transactions, ease of use and so much more. It is no surprise that multitudes of traders and investors are flocking into the crypto space on a daily basis and an equally staggering number of exchanges are coming up everyday to meet the needs of millions of users across the world.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are exceedingly vibrant and eventful in present day, this makes it a herculean task keeping up with every single coin activity. This has made it difficult for novices and learners to fully tap into profits realized from trading on a daily basis.

BOTX App is a Blockchain project created by a team of seasoned experts to introduce automation into cryptocurrency trading. With the use of this breakthtough technology, newbies and even experienced traders can execute profitable trades 24 hours a day without being glued to monitoring the charts round the clock.



Trading robots can efficiently monitor trading indicators and execute decisions on a transaction based on those trading indicators. The trading robot succefully models and applies the skills of an expert trader and is able to substitute and take over the necessary functions of a human effortlessly.



The Botx App can be utilized in various ways for optimum profits. One of the ways which I will be discussing here is based on three pairing combinations in one exchange

In this scenario, the bot calculates the pricing gap between 3 crypto pairs in one exchange, and when a profit margin is detected it quickly carries out transactions and returns profit to the owner.No matter how smart you are as a human, these profit margins won't be so easily detectable to you and even if they are, the time lag in carrying out these transactions manually could make you loose out on the profit, as the crypto markets are highly volatile.

These profit margin calculations are carried out round the clock by the bot and continues to compound profits for the owner of the account. The owner is not limited to default pairs, they can always choose 3 crypto pairs to be monitored by the bot depending on personal preferences. The owner can as well decide on what exchanges they want to run the bot as it is not limited to only a few choices.

THE SMART BOTX MVP (Minimum Viable Product)


The Botx MVP uses comparison between the same crypto pair in any 2 exchanges, including major exchanges such as Okex, Binance and Bittrex to mention a few. The Botx app uses real-time calculations on every current transactions in the market, this ensures that profits are made on all transactions and the account owner never runs into loss.

When you select the Buy market, the sell market, and the type of asset, a table-like display shows you every transaction carried out in each pair within a range of time, including details of all transactions and profits generated. The 2 available assets for now on the MVP are Bitcoin and Ethereum, I trust that more assets will be added in future.

You can witness the powerful capabilities of the MVP here :



The only way to enjoy the full functionality of the Botx App is to be a token holder of Botxcoins. Botxcoins are ERC-20 utility tokens with a total supply of 5 Billion. The Botxcoins are used on profit sharing basis with the company, enabling token holders to keep 80% of all trading profits while 20% of the profits go to the company. This is an extremely good offer that has never been given by any company before.

The first phase of the Initial Coin Offering was succesfully completed 24th of December and the second phase of the Initial Coin Offering is currently ongoing and billed to end 28th of January.

It has been a succesful token sale so far as investors have been cashing into the profound benefits of being Botxcoin holders.

The Soft Cap has been achieved and Hardcap is about to be reached with 1.7 million Botx sold so far.

To be a part of this amazing project, visit: to purchase your own tokens before they all get sold out!

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Author's Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1537121;sa=summary

Bitcointalk username: Cryptovixen192

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