Presentation of Creativechain at Demand Solutions, Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) organized Demand Solutions ( with the aim of gathering some of the most brilliant minds in the field of creativity and culture. An event that brings together entrepreneurs, investors and public and private institutions that contribute to co-create innovative solutions to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This time the event was held Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. The common theme that united all the projects was “From analog to digital”. In this framework Creativechain ( presented its decentralized platform of creative portfolios in front of a large audience that filled the conference hall with more than 500 people and many more who could not enter and followed the event through large screens that had been installed in an adjoining room.

The event was attended by many young people interested in the technological disruption that the blockchain is contributing to the arts and culture sector, a clear indicator that we are moving towards a decentralized future where the powers in the sector of new technologies are increasingly diluted .
Below we share with you some images about the event.

  • We will add the video of the event as soon as it is online.


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