LBRY Credits Climbing As "Blockchain-Based Netflix-Killer" Beta Is Released


It would be easy to let the amazing EOS news overshadow other developments in crypto today, but something HUGE happened in a quieter corner of the crypto world. LBRY, one of the most ambitious blockchain projects ever, released a very promising beta.


Imagine taking some of the best aspects of Steemit, Netflix, Youtube and Torrents, and mashing them together into a blockchain based multimedia platform. That would be a start towards understanding what LBRY could be, and it's already showing huge potential.

LBRY today emailed it's beta testers and early adapters with news of its newest incarnation, and so far, it's kicking ass.


LBRY allows you to share your media for free, or for whatever charge you set, as well as watching free or premium content. LBRY credits play a central role, and since recent developments have shown such promise, the value of these credits has been climbing rapidly.


LBRY already attracted some controversy this year when 20,000 previously deleted (from YouTube) UC Berkeley lecture videos were added to the blockchain.

I spent some time with the latest release today and it is running spectacularly well. Where older versions were slow and buggy, this is extremely elegant software, more similar in feeling to YouTube than Netflix, for better or worse. Certainly more options than Netflix, but far more straightforward than YouTube. I hope the minimal theme is retained going forward. I was able to upload an mp3 (a song of my own creation) and set a price. It was worryingly easy! Personally, I'm very excited to see where this project goes.


If you think the project has potential, LBRY credits can be purchased from Poloniex, Bittrex, and Cryptopia. To sign up for early access and news, visit the official LBRY site.

DOWNLOAD LBRY - Official Site
LBRY's Blockchain-Based Netflix-Killer Is Now in Beta
LBRY public sharing platform uploads 20,000 deleted UC Berkeley lectures
LBRY Credit Price Chart

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