REMME: No More Passwords!

Forgetting one’s password is sometimes frustrating but losing your password to hackers is really bad. We have been witnesses to cyber crimes such as phishing and hacking which are mediums hackers gain access into our accounts.
Most times, we are to be blamed for this. We often tend to use the same password across multiple platforms and this gives room for a potential hacker to arrive at a definite conclusion on what your password might be.

The Internet had greatly evolved within the last two decades and with that, we now have innovations such as Social Networking sites and other key websites that make our social lives interesting. Having a chat with other social sites users is really a good idea but the problem is on the possibility of having a well-secured social account.
Popular social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook had in recent times, recorded a large number of account break-ins. This was possible because most social sites are prone to data hacking which enables hackers gain control of many accounts. Another downside to social sites is their insecure database.

With incidences of incessant account hacking, various approaches were initiated to curtail the activities of hackers to the barest minimum. One of such initiatives is the Password Manager. Password Manager had recorded massive success in securing password database but on the downside, it still has some lapses that hackers capitalize on. Password Manager features 1Password and Lastpass features that are sadly, easy for hackers to hack.
With the failure of the Password Manager to protect the social users’ accounts, Two-Factor Authentication processes were initiated to replace the Password Manger. The latter seemed to have a more veritable password protection as it tends to identify a user before allowing access into the user’s account.

Despite the success of these initiatives, hackers have been able to evolve their strategies with the invention of Keylogging and use of Brute Force. Hackers have through their illegal cyber attacks on social platforms and accounts, caused a lot of loss for such platforms. The financial magazine, Forbes had predicted that losses attributed to cyber crimes will be about $2 trillion by the year 2019.

It is now evident that password hacking will be on the rise in the nearest future. The losses that come with it are not the main problem but the privacy of online users which is threatened. With this development, the security of the global cyberspace is not assured and we’re faced with the cumbersome task of finding a way out of these problems.

We Have a Solution
Yes, we really have a solution in our palms. The solution is REMME. REMME is the solution we might have been seeking for our cyberspace security. REMME provides its users with a passwordless form of authentication through the blockchain technology.

We’re used to platforms having certificate and central key database but that is set to change as REMME had realized the tendency of their been hacked which informed its decision to remove the feature.

REMME is backed by a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) protocol which is a public key encryption system that is hinged on mathematical approaches. The PKI is comprised of digital certificates that are used for identity confirmation and firmly joins the certificate subject to the public key such a certificate possesses. With the PKI protocol in place, you can easily detect when a certificate is spamming on your data and quickly dislodge it.

Another interesting feature about REMME is its non-composition of passwords. We often use characters and symbols to build-up our passwords but REMME aims at changing that perspective by offering a group of passwordless elements making it hard to be guessed.

The Problem on Ground
The actual problem we have here is the insecurity of our global cyberspace. Hacking and illegal retrieval of passwords seem to be the order of the day and the trend does not seem to have any chances of stopping. Online users now live with the fear of losing their personal details and data to hackers and this does not guarantee the security of using online sites.

Evidently, the centralization of keys and certificate database had given hackers the upper hand in cyber crimes. With the technological advancement we have now, using a centralized database should be considered medieval and discarded as soon as possible.

In some scenario, online users are demanded to physically verify their identity before they will be allowed access into their account. This isn’t the right approach because the technicalities that come with are quite cumbersome and will only lead to dissatisfaction on the part of the user.

In a nutshell, we have a serious problem in terms of protecting our online accounts which hackers have been retrieving and having a field day in gaining unwarranted access to users’ accounts.

What Would Guarantee Our Security?
Using passwords could have been the right approach but with the illegal account hacking that has been going on; it is not advisable to use passwords anymore.

This brings us to the best option we’ve seen so far; the option of REMME. REMME is here to revolutionise the way online security had been handled. REMME boasts of a passwordless element which is a far cry from the conventional numbers and alphabets we use in composing our passwords.

Remme is hinged on the blockchain technology which from all indications and reviews, is the best solution to security and also offers wide range decentralization. REMME uses the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) protocol that utilizes the Bitcoin blockchain technology to run its X509 certificate. The X509 certificate being used by REMME integrates the SSL/TLS networks to efficiently secure users’ accounts.
I believe we have nothing more to worry about our online security because REMME has interesting features that can guarantee your online security. REMME also has additional features such as:
A multi-factor authenticator.
Little or no API limitations.
A decentralized key and certificate database.

The core essence of REMME was to offer a decentralized approach to our online activities. REMME offers you a mix of passwordless elements that are not prone to hacks and diverse authentication processes that easily let you back into your account should there an incidence of attempted hacking.

REMME also has its own token called the REMME Token (REM). The REM token fuels all transactions in the REMME Ecosystem. During the Tokensale event for the Remme token, the ICO was a huge success and the hardcap of 19343.16050 ETH was reached.

Organizations can now have a breath of fresh air as their days of losing data and essential information as a result of database hack is over. Remme aims to be the primary source of online security and it has the technology to back it up.




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