EOS最新进展跟踪 (track of latest updated EOS)---10/10/2017

To track the progress of EOS project is a top task for me before invest my money into it, I recently create an EOS blockchain and a smart contract over it to transfer EOS to an account following this instruction.

I installed EOS in ubundu system.

git clone https://github.com/eosio/eos --recursive

cd eos
./build.sh ubuntu

If you do it that way, it will complain incorrect mode, so the correct way should be:

./build.sh ubuntu full

Following the instruction step by step, the genesis block was created and my private blockchain was built up:

I feel one of the benefits of EOS is its configurability, e.g. it can use plugin to set wallet.

为例子合同”currency” 创建账号。
Creating accounts for sample "currency" contract.

cd ~/eos/build/programs/eosc/
./eosc create key # owner_key
./eosc create key # active_key

这里,我开始很困惑,但是,你真的需要把create key运行两边,产生两组private key,public key.
I was quite puzzled in the first place, but, you did need to run ‘create key’ twice to generate two pairs of ‘private key’ and ‘public key’.

You should replace the ‘PUBLIC_KEY_1’ and ‘PUBLIC_KEY_2’ with public keys we generated in the previous step:

./eosc create account inita currency PUBLIC_KEY_1 PUBLIC_KEY_2

“Messages are not sent "from" anyone, they are sent "with permission of" one or more accounts and permission levels. The following commands shows a "transfer" message being sent to the "currency" contact.”
This is a new concept for me, there is no ‘from’ account, you just sent money with permission of an account or a group of accounts.


One thing always confuses me is the account and key, I feel some of them are redundant;

创建钱包时候,系统自动创建了private key;
在config.ini里有个现成的inita的账户,用wallet import private key来获取它,以获取创建’currency’账号的权限;
owner_key and active_key:每个key都带一对private_key/public_key, 这个概念我在steemit里看到过;
用inita的权限创建出来的’currency’账号跟后来的’currency contract’是什么关系?没有说明。从后来资金转移后各账号看:inita currency 余额50,而currency account 的余额999999950来看,’currency’账号是inita下面的一个账号,跟’currency contract‘没有关系,这个让我很困惑,因为inita账号里以开始就有1000000 EOS的。

When you created a wallet, the system automatically create private key for you, this is for the wallet itself;
There is an existing account in config.ini called ‘inita’, we must use private key to import it so that we can obtain the permission to create subsequent ‘currency’ account;
I cannot understand ‘owner_key’ and ‘active_key’ which I saw in Steemit, each of them has a pair of private key/public key;
What is the relationship between the ‘currency’ account created by the permission of inita and the ‘currency contract’? it is not stated here. I can only infer the possible relationship from the token transfer result: the balance of inita currency is 50 after transferring, while the balance of ‘currency’ account is 999999950, there is no link between ‘currency contract’ and ‘currency account’, this confused me so much since I can see there was existing 1000000 eos in the inita account.

希望Daniel Larimer这个Byte Master不要因为自己的任性而搞砸了EOS,要知道,很可能有成千上万的投资者翘首以盼呢。

Hopefully, Daniel Larimer won’t screw up the EOS project due to his wilfulness, as you know, thousands of investor are waiting for good news from EOS.


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