
Curestoken Review

Since the begin and progression of the blockchain advancement, different territories and individuals of various works of life have seen motivations to go into the cutting edge improvement to all the practically certain give better organizations to its clients. The movement, transportation part, online business territory are beginning at now in the forefront in this social occasion of the blockchain improvement.

As we are beginning at now watchful, blockchain progression means to pass on solidarity to all fragments by giving a phase that is affirmed, decentralized, direct, sharp and amazingly energetic. The minimal heavenly event did the prosperity part went into this market.

Going before at present, taking off to the middle and getting organizations rendered, treatment, and so on was a thing to fear a comparative number of paper works are to be done, specialists and remedial bosses finding the opportunity to review patients cases in an immovable development happening as expected to delays, cure professionals finding the opportunity to circulate calms physically, Therapeutic Exploration office Analyst running game-plan of tests physically, and so forth, yet due to design setting progression, this is all around requested changing into a relic of past events. Before long, patients data can be spared in the PC, results from research centers can correspondingly be verified for the length of days and effectively recovered when required, portions can be made satisfactorily through PoS and the tendencies. This is in assurance another first light for the Restorative administration's division.

It is on this premises The Fixes organize would like to likewise support the restorative administration's divisions through blockchain advancement and Sharp Contracts subsequently changing their utilitarian systems.

Fixes Stage

Fixes plan means to pulverize current over the best and way out of spending costs that we see human administrations affiliations charge to give remedial organizations to the got out and those requiring their organizations which on occasion make the patients not get the vital medications they need.


As we are watchful that in most incredible nations, therapeutic administrations suppliers costs are unreasonably high for people grabbing not particularly which now and then surrender them weak before their own exceptional over the counter treatment all over inciting their gravely organized passings.

Fixes were made utilizing the blockchain improvement to enable patients, make accessible extraordinary assets, and give quality Social protection and give patients a regard for their money contributed per essentialness.

The Fixes social protection mastermind was imagined to give basic and extensive human administrations organizations to everybody requiring it particularly the general population who are enlisted on their stage. The Fixes arrange has a standard and best level contraption and gear to update human administrations benefit thusly bringing fulfillment and improving the quality of everybody and near the end, everybody is brisk.

The Fixes arrange is composed on a six-center area highlights and they are as per the going with:

The Application store for prosperity applications (HAPP store)

Trading stage

Prosperity attestation arrange

Trust sponsor,

Electronic prosperity records

Business focus and

Review organize

As a part of the advantages to be enjoyed by clients of the CUREStoken organize are the underlisted advantage

Respect included cost

Boosting extraordinary resources

Lessening costs




Fixes Trading Stage

The trading stage compliments the business focus, regardless, it incorporates a substitute space with a substitute UI and a few layers. It demonstrates another partner in the CUREStoken condition. This stage makes out of two interfaces.


Interface for patients — Platform that you can orchestrate to take a gander at suppliers of individual remedial apparatus for various sorts of equipment. From standard to the more howdy tech outlines in the field.

Interface for remedial organizations providers — It is set up to take a gander at suppliers of obliging mechanical get together at discount costs. The Remedial Apparatus Suppliers (MES), the helpful organizations' suppliers (MSP) and the patients (P) shape indisputable sorts of the relationship using, for the most part, agreed with sharp contracts for the restorative hardware providers to patients (MES2P) and helpful gear providers to therapeutic organizations suppliers (MES2MSP).

TOKEN Information

Fixes is the official and nearby token of the stage and it judgments all undertakings on CUREStoken natural network. Fixes token and its organizations won't be compelled to prosperity organizations alone yet to each extraordinary organizations as time goes on.

Token Name: CUREStoken

Ticker: Fixes

Type: ERC-20 Token

Total Supply: 500 000 Fixes

Most extraordinary Tokens For ITO: 175 000 Fixes

Fragile Best : 2000ETH

ITO HARD Best : 175 000ETH

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