Sell your data and time your way on Swipe

In this age of online marketing, data gathering and ad placement play a key part in the advancement of many different businesses. However, both of those practices still have a long way to go. For example, people spend a lot of time with mobile apps, making them natural arenas for engagement efforts. But the mobile engagement market is fragmented, inefficient and poorly understood.

The current state of affairs is unsatisfactory to everyone: users, whose data is often gathered without permission or compensation, app developers, who struggle to find a way to monetise their apps effectively, and advertisers, who still have trouble reaching their audience. Swipe aims to rectify all of this by providing a number of tools for more honest, effective and mutually beneficial data gathering, reinforced with a cryptocurrency token reward scheme.

How can you engage with Swipe?

Over the next few years, the SWIPE Network will provide mobile app developers with an array of marketing tool SDKs that could be used to integrate their apps with the blockchain platform and its SWIPE token economy. They are:

1. SWIPE Push, a means of putting personalised ads on the starting screen of the mobile device. It could be used to deliver community or emergency news, carry out promotions or send trading signals from exchanges;

2. SWIPE Ads, which will use smart contracts to carry out automatic SWIPE token payments from advertisers to app developers and users in response to user interaction with existing ads;

3. SWIPE Mission, which will allow SWIPE holders to stake their tokens to give assignments to other users. After staking a smaller amount of their own tokens, users will carry out “missions” like installing an app or completing or a survey and receive a reward upon completion (as well as their own staked tokens back);

4. SWIPE Marketplace, a platform based on the Origin Protocol which will promote apps and in-app purchases and accept smart contract payments in SWIPE.

Provided both the developers and the individual users in question consent to this, the data generated during the interaction of the latter with these modules will be encrypted and sent to the SWIPE Brain analytics platform. This platform will have both on-chain and off-chain components. It will aggregate and analyze data from across multiple apps, processing it in accordance with industry requirements. This processed data, as well as data still on apps, will be offered to interested buyers on a decentralised marketplace in exchange for SWIPE tokens that will be used to reward data producers (both users and app developers). If the data set in question is available and the buyer accepts the platform's policies, it will be pulled from the app or the data store, reencrypted and transferred via smart contracts, adding it to the buyer's database. Both buyers and producers will be able to audit data use, confirming its origins and the maintenance of privacy.

What is Swipe's edge?

Swipe offers short-term token incentives to app developers and users and long-term benefits to all industry stakeholders. Gathering and aggregating data that was previously difficult to obtain would allow the mobile engagement efforts to become much better informed and more efficient. Ideally, it will encourage the development of a higher quality of content. At any rate, it definitely should help cut down on ad content that is plainly misaimed. Using blockchain technology should bring some much-needed transparency, accountability and efficiency into this sphere.

The team behind Swipe previously worked on the SwipeRich mobile lockscreen ad program (which is essential to the functioning of SWIPE Push). Therefore it has first-hand experience of the problems with the data supply chain. Quite a few other cryptocurrency projects and some mobile phone and advertising companies have agreed to partner with Swipe. It can also tap into the support for data sovereignty and similar causes within the cryptocurrency community.

Token sale details

The SWIPE token sale has not yet been announced.

Pulling the mobile engagement market together

Swipe certainly sounds like a promising project. It offers nothing less than a new model of mobile marketing, one that will be more fair and rewarding for all involved. However, many details (not least of all, its ICO details!) have yet to be announced. While it is encouraging that it is built on an existing and tested technology, its full development seems likely to take some time, which may test any enthusiasm it builds unless the team redoubles its own engagement efforts.

That being said, it is hard to argue with its benefits for all possible stakeholders. It stands to both explore and streamline the mobile engagement ecosystem like never before. Provided the team comes through with its product, it seems likely to find the support it will need to grow.



This review by Bonanza Kreep is all opinion and analysis, not investment advice.

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