How Blockchain is decentralizing whole Internet


I would like to first explain the concept of decentralization. In decentralization environment, there is no single entity controlling the whole organization. Stack holders are not some board of members but they are the users of that decentralized system.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube they are not decentralized organizations. They earn billions of dollar from user's data in ad revenue and the owner of that data only get a little pie of that if they are some some kind of celebrity.

In physical terms, Internet is decentralized but in reality mainstream Internet is influenced by cloud computing, web hosting, DNS services, search engine giants and so many more entities.

There are currently many ongoing projects to resolve this power monopoly like TOR, ProtonMail and many Altcoins have the capability to redistribute this power sharing.

  • Steemit
    Steemit is wonderful example of Personal Blogging with free speech, worldwide access and with blockchain immune to hack attempts. Recently, we experienced only service down for Steemit wbesite but blockchain was up and running.

  • Gladius
    It is a new blockchain based startup to mitigate the effects of DDOS( Denial of Service) attacks with further service of CDN( content delivery network). It is a complete alternative solution for Decentralized web hosting.

  • Nebulis
    It provides blockchain solution for DNS (Domain Naming Service) and for file transfer worldwide over blockchain.

  • Storj
    We regularly synchronize our date with cloud servers like iCloud, Google Drive etc. This blockchain initiative has ability to completely facilitate decentralized data storage

So, it can be said that Internet is truly going to become free from the clutches of Tech Giants soon


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