Huobi Listing BTS -BTC Pair: Exploring Further Collaboration Possibilities

Huobi Listing BTS -BTC Pair: Exploring Further Collaboration Possibilities

Blockchain Projects BV is happy to announce that their consultations with the Huobi Exchange led to the listing and final activation of BTS/BTC pair.

See: (trade volume 4 April 2018: 866mln, ranking 3rd, source:

This is a major achievement for the BitShares community, to get our core token listed on this big Exchange. It is also an opportunity for dissatisfied members of the BitShares community to switch now from our internal exchange. With the Huobi team, we are still looking for incentives to stimulate the trade volume in BTS the coming weeks.

Also, we still have pending consultations with Huobi to also list a smartcoin, like for instance a BTC/BitUSD pair, to enable better on- and off-ramping and give more exposure to BitUSD and create an alternative for USDT.

Blockchain Projects BV
Zutphenseweg 6
7418 AJ Deventer
The Netherlands

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