Blockchain Technology and the Future of Politics

Voter turnout has dropped in most Western societies during the past 20 years. Young people are turning to other venues  outside of the system to bring about change. With corrupt campaigning and vote counting practices perhaps they have begun to give up. Within this demographic, blockchain technology can surely stand a chance to revolutionize government, politics and democracy as we know it. 

Accountability Security and Transparency 

Accountability, security and transparency are three things that as a society we have strived for when selecting our voted officials and have been the same things we have been repeatedly denied on a consistent basis almost to the point of apathy. This is why a platform such as the blockchain will surely be a wake up call to the fat cats at the top. Life as we know it as a trodden upon and beat down society will be no more when we convert over to the new system. Finally we will understand that over the past century we have never really known what it is like to live in a functional true democracy. 

Crucial Elements of Strong Performance 

In a troubled world we need government bodies that are strong, accountable, effective and responsive to the needs and concerns of it's citizens. And how is the blockchain going to facilitate in making this happen? The blockchain is like an open line of communication between each and every citizen in direct response of every item on every agenda that has ever been promised and not fulfilled to the satisfaction of the people. Society will not be lumped together as a whole and placed in box, with the blockchain we will have the power of identity both as individual and special interest groups. The system can cost effectively engage all citizens and provide equal access to resources such as education, health care, and social security. 

Transparency and Political Reputations

Data generated through fulfillment of smart contracts, a set of rules set in place to manage assets, can ensure the public our leaders are behaving with integrity. Are our representatives present at all meetings? Are they abiding by thier commitments and promises? Who are the donators of his or her campaigns? Also when a commitment must be negotiated for compromise citizens will be aware of exactly what the issues are and every step of the way they will have a direct vote on whether or not the impact of the comprise is worth the tradeoff in value. 

Online Voting Via the Blockchain

A collaborative form of democracy will reward self education and civic engagement via supplimentation similar to that of mining. By being part of the conversation and participating in collective consensus we can earn rewards for time and efforts devoted to betterment of the whole. As a culture is it possible that we could be turned on by the democratic process rather than in a state of constant disgruntlement of the abuse of power and positition?

Manipulating elections is complex business from tampering with results to outright rigging them. Imagine that every candidate has an individual blockchain wallet. Then each citizen would be issued a secure token embedded with their personal data as a means of identification (not available to the public, solely a means of verification) to place in the wallet of the candidate of their choice. The blockchain confirms each transaction security and permanently. Whichever candidate ends up with the most coins wins. 

Reference: Tapscott, Don, and Alex Tapscott. 2016. Blockchain revolution: how the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world.

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