Satoshi Nakamoto is Back! He Designed QBitGold | Quantum Blockchain Currency/Platform

 Okay, okay.. I hate click bait just as much as you, but this is different, for QBitGold is actually claiming this. Today we look into this new-ish Quantum Computing Technology/Quantum Blockchainy Currency  called QbitGold,  *This is not an endorsement for QBitGold, I do not hold any 'Qbits' and I don't foresee downloading the wallet software.. unless I'm on a virtual machine within another virtual machine. Why? Because, as the not so old saying goes: 'If the product or service is free, you're the product."

Which, in this situation translates to: 'I don't know what is inside that download'. and to better judge that, we must look at the source:  ... hmmm.. according to the website, the source is.. well it says   Satoshi Nakamoto®! Guys.. it's legit if  Satoshi Nakamoto®  is involved.. right? Really! The website says that they are actually Satoshi. Well I guess it more or less implies that Satoshi developed this QBit.. but it kinda says they worked with Satoshi.. or that Satoshi contributed? I'm not clear.. I don't know now.. Well I do know... we've seen our fair share of individuals claiming to be Nakamoto, and according to The Verge (Tech Blog), there might be a need for skepticism.  

(Thanks The Verge - Full link here)

Well, as I always say: Skepticism is a mindset, discernment is a tool.  In this case, I think we need to utilize our discernment skills. However, before diving in on this one, it should first be noted that every other time you or I have referred to Satoshi Nakamoto, it has never been accompanied by a registered symbol.  Why is it now?

 (Cropped screenshot taken from stating that the name and mark are now TM'd and R'ed) It is true and it's old news, someone TM'd and Registered this mark, and here is all the info on it: Reg# 4,914,228, filed 11-24-13, finalized 3-08-13 by J. Anthony Rolfe (Atty) for Quantum Bit LLC., Delaware U.S.A.

The Ezekiel reference is quite odd, and will be included in part two.  Aside form that, the question is this: Is this TRULY SATOSHI? Or is this a brilliant branding move, or is this just another Satoshi knock off?  Either way, it must be noted that registering that name as a mark is bold, regardless of who has done it, or what their intentions were.  
On one hand it could be the real deal, the real Satoshi, but making such a public move is very unlike past behavior. On the other hand, it's a company/individual/group of people foreseeing the HUGE opportunity for brand recognition once Blockchain and Crypto hit mainstream, and seizing it.  Or.. it could the case, as referenced in discussions on the web: Satoshi working with Quantum Bit LLC. and simply assigning his, her, they, or zim zir or zay's likeness to Quantum Bit (if I didn't include your pronoun please email me immediately at

*It must be noted: The O.G. Satoshi has been known as a generous individual/group of individuals, (see quotes regarding Satoshi's belief system/motivation) which leads me to question: would O.G. Satoshi TM and R his likeness?  Would an unrelated third party TM/R the name and future power of that name? If the latter, I'd say it depends on the purpose.. I'd like to think that there will never be a single lawsuit over the unauthorized use of the now TM'd name.

Then again, no one really knows anything for sure, in fact there is intense speculation as to who Satoshi is.  Gov't agency, group of white hats, one dude that has a Japanese name but historically speaks as if he lives in the UK. (Identities are only limited by imagination) I've even heard it theorized that Satoshi is a bot.  Think about that for a second.. Personally, I'd rather it be a nefarious, possibly rogue intel agency, than it be a bot that creates currencies and erases it's existence.  If that's the case, boy we are way beyond Elon Musk's and Stephen Hawking's forecasts.

Checking into these 'Qbits', which can be found at  I cant help but point out the blatant word association, in such a manner that I would call it 'Implied Endorsement'. Crafting an endorsement/statement and attributing it to a well known name.
 In the screenshot below, you'll notice a hipster with a staff (we'll discuss the symbolism further in part two) and above him we see the stylish signature of Satoshi Nakamoto® next to the statement 'The Creator of Bitcoin', and below it in smaller italicized font 'says "Economic freedom is upon us". Leading the reader into believing that this page is owned by SN.. sorry I'm sick of adding the R.  Using a well known name

(Photo of page you are directed to after signing up. Hey I never said I wasn't going to sign up, I am only hesitant in DL'ing the wallet)
What's even more interesting is that the company that registered the name is Quantum Bit LLC., which is just ironic! Both the name Satoshi Nakamoto® and Quantum Bit are two very vague terms with non specific owners/originators.  Quantum Bit, as pictured below, is a basic unit of information in a quantum computer, see Techopedia for more info.  Either the founders/owners of Quantum Bit LLC., are nefarious geniuses, trademarking terms, names and references, OR is there an entity that is simply trademarking and registering these general terms and names?


Thanks Dictionary.comSo my next post will be a part two, further investigating the company Quantum Bit and its origins, as well as giving my final decision on QBitGold.  
While I am leaving for now, I will leave you with this information on Quantum Bit LLC.,
1- Misc Website hosted by GoDaddy
2- Quantum Bit on Facebook
3- Quantum Bit on LinkedIn
4- An Early Article on Qbit's (like 2004-5)
5- Another GoDaddy Website
6- Quantum Bit LLC on Twitter

Feel Free to leave comments, I am creating part two as we speak!  

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