Who are Eternitas?

After being involved in an interesting campaign today I wanted to bring some attention to Eternitas, a start-up who aim to put your will and testament on the blockchain.

Ace, right? It's taking a millennia old paper based practice and bringing it to the 21st century.

(photo: logo and screengrab taken from Eternitas Twitter http://twitter.com/EternitasIO)

So, today I spent some time being a part of a #TwitterPitch in which German company Eternitas pitched their business idea of putting the legal world of wills and testaments on to the blockchain, to a well-known German business investor over a live Tweeting session.

Imagine the TV equivalent of BBC's Dragons Den, but over Twitter - one person asking questions to another about their business..

Anyway, I just wanted to highlight the existence of Eternitas for those who haven't read about them. The kind of work they're doing aims to make the setup, storage and execution of wills very EASY for anyone to do.


EASY is the key word in all of this.
The principle idea is fairly straight forward; being that your wishes for who will inherit your estate/wealth etc can easily, via templates, be stored on the blockchain and then executed upon death of the account holder - instantly releasing the assets/crypto/deeds/false teeth/whatever to whoever it is meant for - cutting out all the stress, legalities, schedules and huge fees that are traditionally associated with solicitors and lawyers.

Blockchain technology is perfect for this exact use in recording immutable, timestamped data.

As Eternitas grow as a company, and hopefully win investment in the future, I hope to see their services being legitimised not just by tech enthusiasts, but by general-public-joe-blogs.
I feel like blockchain technology must not alienate, but instead bring people and ideas together with easy to use and cost-effective solutions like this.

I urge you to check out and support this blockchain based business - find out more at https://www.eternitas.io/ :)

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