Blockchain Powered Professional-Profile Verification And Attestation Protocol - SPRINGROLE

According to statistics, there were over 3.8 billion internet users as of April 2017. However, over 4.087 billion people currently make use of the internet, and the percentage of internet users has increased by at least 8% in 2018 alone. This shows a 7.65% increase in the number of people using the internet in less than a year. The number of social media users in 2018 has been up by 13%, thus equating to over 3.297 billion.

It is truly no doubt that social media has transformed the way we interact and remain connected with others. In addition to this, it has also greatly impacted the traditional hiring exercises. For example, most organizations now make use of social media as a powerful tool to reach out to their potential employee and most professionals now make use of several platforms to search for jobs and showcase their professional profile to prospective employers and network with other professionals.


Even though this seems like an amazing feat, It is discouraging to know that a majority of resumes being listed on these social media network exhibit some form of falsification, thereby making the recruiting process cumbersome for hiring managers. Currently, organizations carry out reference checks on their potential employees to ratify the information being provided by candidates. They do this by relying on the attestation conducted by the relevant authorities to determine the authenticity of the documents provided by candidates. Though this method has proven effective over time, however, the downside is that it is quite costly due to the many processes involved and it also takes a longer period before documents are validated. In addition, the systems being used by relevant authorities to verify documents are not sufficient enough to handle falsified documents.

Having identified the flaws with the current attestation systems, SpringRole aims to leverage on blockchain technology to provide a decentralized and transparent platform that will address the current challenges, thereby making hiring and validation process very easy and swift.


SpringRole aims to provide a platform whereby people can easily see, share, and obtain attestations on their professional profiles.


Spring Network aims to provide a seamless, swift, highly scalable and transparent attestation protocol to enable easy verification of documents and also certify the authenticity of resumes. Spring network aims to achieve this by combining both blockchain technology and reputational scores.


The Spring network will make use of several attestors such as individuals, organizations, universities, course and examination providers. Each of these attestors will have their different roles to play in ensuring effective attestation of claims.

Every professional profile on the Spring network will comprise of three different sections namely educational qualifications, work experience, and skillset; each with their unique attestation workflow, and whenever an information in any of the sections have been verified, it will be recorded on the blockchain. Below is an explanation of the different types on attestations on the SpringRole network.

Educational Qualification Attestation: The verification of educational qualifications will be done by the relevant institutional bodies. Through the Spring network, universities will have the capacity to attest to the degrees of their students, thereby making it very easy for hiring managers to easily confirm the authenticity of their potential candidate's educational degree.

Work Experience Attestation: Employers can easily verify the work experience of a candidate and also endorse it immediately.

Skillset Attestation: Due to the fact that verification of a user's skillset is a bit tougher, Spring network aims to effectively address this by crowdsourcing the reputation of a user based on specific skill sets, in the form of an endorsement. This would be made possible because other professionals in the user's network will be able to assess and endorse the expertise of the user in a specific skill. This method is much effective when compared to the traditional one because it gives a true picture of the user's proficiency in a specific skillset.

Skillset endorsement is one of the major challenges currently being experienced, and this can be attributed to the fact that there's no significance attached to the proficiency of the person endorsing the user, and also the user that is being endorsed is not able to either accept or decline endorsements that were conducted without his/her consent. Due to this, Spring network will ensure that every skill endorsement will have a little cost attached to it, users will have the capacity to either accept or decline endorsements, and before anyone can endorse other users, the significance of such endorsement will be checked.

Additional Courses and Other Attestation: MOOC providers that are duly certified will be able to attest users on the Spring network once a course has been completed. In addition to this, an organization can also ratify that a certain person worked for them as an independent worker.

Due to the decentralized and transparent nature of the platform, Spring network will ensure that all users on the platform are duly verified. When a new user signs up, they will have limited access on the spring network and in order to fully utilize the Spring network, such user will have fully complete and verify his profile. Also, the same principle applies to organizations as well.

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  • Participants will be incentivized and rewarded with Spring tokens whenever they refer people or organizations that have been verified on the Spring network
  • Helps hiring managers to lessen the bottlenecks associated with resume validations during recruitment
  • Makes attestation and verification or resumes and skillset very easy and secure
  • Users will be rewarded whenever they complete their profile and receive attestations
  • Users will be rewarded based on the standard of endorsements they give.
  • Serves as a freelance platform

In order to be the one-stop shop platform for all attestations and verifications of resumes or profiles, Spring network aims to further create an open source Skill project that will be biggest multilingual and most correct skills database. The idea behind the skill project is to further enable users to lend their unique skills to the skill map.

Spring network will provide a strong API protocol that will easily allow developers or third parties integrate with the Spring network without any hassle. This will be offered at a very low cost to developers thereby enabling them to still conserve their revenue.


The SpringRole currently has a successful working product that has been in existence since 2014. Since its inception, it has witnessed massive growth both in revenue and customer base. It currently offers a resume parser, recommendation engine, and skills project. The SpringRole team, having proven successful over the course of 3 years, now aims to further enhance their platform and operations by leveraging on the power of blockchain technology.

The Spring token (SPRING) will be issued in the form of an ERC20 token. It will function as a multi-utility token that will be used to fuel the Spring network. The SPRING token can be used for activities such referring a company, endorsing or attesting a skill etc.

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Total Supply: 10,000,000,000
Token symbol: SPRING
Platform: Ethereum
Soft cap: 1 MM USD (already reached)
Hard cap: 12 MM USD
Current price: 1 SPRING = 0.00002 ETH

Kindly visit for more information.

Writer: Sucre123456
Author's profile link:;u=1820055;sa=summary

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