The world has passed through some phases of revolutionary changes that transformed the way people live. It started with the discovery of electricity and then the television and radio inventions and finally followed up by the invention of computer over some centuries. Nowadays the television is now so popular that people can watch images on screens that are so flat as a picture frame. The computer world has added one flavour to its operations and that is the internet and this changed everything. Nowadays, individuals can access this same internet without the help of a computer but with the help of small portable devices known as Smart phones. All these were powered by one factor: Energy gotten from electricity. It is therefore not out of place to day that electricity is the most important commodity in a world full of technological devices that needs energy to operate. The new world order is driven by people seeking access to good and renewable power supply.

Today, the world has become digitalized and so many more inventions are made daily which needs energy. It is therefore surprising that even with innovations in technology, billions of people around the glove still lacks access to power supply. Alternatives to power source like solar, fossil fuel and even chemical powered batteries have proven to be expensive to produce and individuals in developing countries find it hard to buy and maintain them in order to get renewable energy. The simple solution of buying gasoline power generators have left the atmosphere for worse with their noise and air pollution that produces nothing but Carbon(IV)oxide gas that affects the atmosphere in an adverse manner. The global warming report of the 21st century puts Carbon monoxide at the top of the atmospheric deterioration.

Source of the Problems

In order to tackle the main loophole in electricity generation, one have to travel to the origin which comes from the Power Purchase Agreements which are usually put in place by governments in agreement with Electricity Discos. With this apparent centralised system, installations of power lines are strewn from one source and are usually not organized to maximize efficient distribution. An instance is in Sub Saharn Africa where most of the electricity generation are done through hydro power stations which allows electricity dissemination through high voltage and high altitude distribution. The process may seem effective but leads to losses in power through Flux leakage and high resistivity of the conducting wires. As the power reaches the substations, subsequent transformers which can help in powering them down and performing commercial distributions are either unavailable or inadequate. This is the major reason most citizens in Africa live in darkness.

With the failure of the centralized PPAs to effectively provide light to everyone, blockchain developers brainstormed to develop ImpactPPA which is a new platform to help in energy distribution using the effective technology of the blockchain. Let's take a look at ImpactPPA.

The ImpactPPA Solution


The ImpactPPA platform restructures and reorganizes energy funding processes through the employ of decentralized PPAs which will effectively remove intermediaries standing between power generating stations and reaching of the final consumers. The ImpactPPA network is open to all individuals with drive to find solution to the world's power generation issues and their team is made up of innovators with years of research into renewable energy. The ImpactPPA project will cover PPA cobtracts, funding, letters of intent for energy production and purchase and the eventual installation of the energy producing equipments. The ImpactPPA platform comprises of blockchain developers that have successfully aided the establishments of several ICOs over the past few decades with a track record in success.

The ImpactPPA MPQ Token

The ImpactPPA platform is developed on the Ethereum blockchain and is powered by its unique MPQ token. The Token holders wo have the voting power to decide on energy production options steaming from SmartPPAs.

The ImpactPPA Ecosystem

The SmartPPA

The ImpactPPA platform assumes the use of smart contracts by the virtue of its Ethereum nature and also makes use of its energy protocols known as SmartPPA. The Smart Power Purchase Agreement(SmartPPA) includes proposals from energy research users around the globe with a project to produce raw energy. The SmartPPA includes the specification for the group involved which is either commercial usage or for corporate bodies and if the agreement is confirmed, the funding for the project is executed accordingly. The findings are aided by the MPQ tokens purchase by energy revolution minded investors. The holders of the tokens make vital decisions on the veracity of the projects and executes the approved ones accordingly. The most qualified SmartPPA gets approval for installation which can done by a third party affiliated engineering firm.

The Gen Credits

In order to ensure usability and adoptability of cryptocurrency, users should be able to boast being able to use them for day to day activities. Same applies to the ImpactPPA platform which uses the Gen Credits as its digital currency for power purchase of renewable energy gotten from the approved SmartPPAs. It allows for access, storage, interaction with energy networks and also connectivity to other individuals all over the globe that will likely want the same access as them. The SmartPPAs are quite distinct from each other and as well have their own Gen Credits minted according to a particular energy code. The usage of the Gen Credits to purchase power is in the form of a pay-as-you-go model and is compatible enough to run on smart devices like mobile phones and other interfaces.

The Smart Meter

When energy purchase are made by users, they would like to monitor their consumption and be able to delegate usage according to their own terms. In cases in which a user is about to travel, he can decide to pause energy consumption until he returns from his travels. Just like in normal electricity purchase, the consumption is based on Kilo Watt hour, Kwh and energy will be ceased on exhastation of a current energy plan.


The access to clean and renewable electricity is the prime right of every individual and internet user alike. Most of life survival activities are done through electricity. The ImpactPPA is developed to ensure that having clean electricity is the least any individual can get.


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