DeepBrain Chain: Meet the Next generation of AI Computing Platform!


Introduction to DeepBrain Chain

Blockchain has been used extensively across different systems off late and is slowly turning into a platform which is utilised to improve existing solutions. The latest and the most innovative technology to use blockchain is artificial intelligence systems. This is precisely where DeepBrain Chain plans to bring a change.

Their main vision is to provide a low cost, flexible, secure and decentralised artificial intelligence computing platform to artificial intelligence products. They aim to make the AI neural network operation decentralized and distributed over the mass nodes across the world through blockchain. The cost is expected to be less than 30% of user's self-built neural network server and less than 50% of the traditional AI centralized cloud computing platform. The massive neural network computing nodes of DeepBrain Chain are dynamically adjusted to match the user’s requirements.

The existing problems which outline the current trend of artificial intelligence are many. AI products need to train models by neural network calculation, and the data model training process consumes a big chunk of computing resources. This involves a considerable capital investment. The products also need to be coded by the neural network after the launch, and the number of users adds to the overall cost.

Other than these, there are many issues which revolve around user data and privacy. The data receiver is not given rights to access the data & hence data cannot be trained. Data privacy is one of the most prevalent problems in any network. DeepBrain Chain can change all that.

It is majorly a decentralised, low cost and secured AI computing platform with a complete range of related products and services. To understand how it works, we need to talk about the network nodes. The AI computing nodes in DBC’s network can take multiple forms and work as either full function nodes (permanent nodes) or as independent nodes, depending on the size & need.

Mining nodes get their income by two resources – AI processing fees paid by AI companies in exchange for computing power and mining rewards which are calculated by a reward algorithm. The transactions are based upon smart contracts and executed using DeepBrain Chain’s crypto utility token.

The design structure of DBC is very thoughtfully based on a few principles. The extended principle makes sure that every module in DBC is independent of each other and a module is easily added as an add-on. Any update in a module does not impact the other module’s interface. Stretching principle is used to make sure that customer access to DBC is flexible. In case a lot of users access a node, it handles itself by creating a service breakdown and deploying container of the node. Privacy principle ensures that all participants in the DBC ecosystem, mining nodes, AI manufacturers and data providers get good privacy protection.

Build an AI ecosystem around DeepBrain Chain and kickstart AI data trading!

  1. The most significant contribution that DBC can bring to AI companies is the reduction of cost. For any AI company, the biggest challenge lies in their high computing cost. The excellent design of the DBC model ensures that every network node derives 70% of its income from mining and 30% from the training fees paid by AI companies. Essentially, AI firms only end up paying 30% of the cost.

  2. Another major advantage of DBC is that it optimizes neural network computing performance. The current AI products are developed using a neural network as their core algorithm; hence an optimized neural network performance serves as a crucial factor for AI companies.

  3. Due to a massive number of users, AI firms need to provide high computation to the large user base they have. DBC efficiently uses a load balancing technique to make sure node containers can handle and share the concurrent pressure. Resolving high concurrency is one of the unique advantages of DBC network system.

  4. Low latency is another advantage that DBC offers. In any AI system, all user requests must be responded to within seconds. DBC makes sure that every module in the network responds immediately and at the same time feeds upon minimum resources.

  5. Privacy protection is one of the most critical expectations in any network and DBC offers a significant advantage in being a highly secured network. It is designed to protect the privacy of every participant in the ecosystem. It enables every user in the network to freely control the information they share and whether they would prefer making it public or not. This is executed by DBC very effectively through encryption algorithms and by separating data ownership and data usage rights.

  6. Besides other convenient usages, DBC offers an elastic supply of network which is a great utility to offer. The network demand for AI resources always varies. There are times when demand is significantly higher than usual. DBC is designed to handle this sudden spike efficiently. It uses an elastic expansion technology which deploys containers quickly and automatically to idle nodes to manage load balancing.

  7. Apart from all these advantages, DBC boasts of automatic maintenance. The network is designed to issue alert messages in case of a malfunction with a node container. It not only removes it from the system but at the same time replaces it with a functional node. The system is even capable of notifying the AI processing provider (the “AI miner”) whenever there is an issue. This also helps in maximizing revenue.

(Pictured above DeepBrain Chain Team member giving the inspiring speech at TOKENSKY in Seoul.)

In the End

The DBC ecosystem is sure to help the AI manufacturers issue their virtual currency across the globe, and that virtual currency can be easily exchanged with DBC. At the same time, there are hundreds of AI skills applications that can be sold to users. DBC network promises to be an all-rounder in the AI environment and is expected to act as a useful stepping stone to AI data trading of the future.

For more information about DeepBrain Chain head over to their Website or Twitter.

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