Tontine's - the revival of a pension product that will change the life of hundreds of millions

Bali [16.Feb.18]

I have seen many people having great ideas to tackle real world problems, but not doing anything about it. The retirement crisis has been an increasing concern for Gen X and will be an even greater problem for the generations to come.

Tontines are truly addressing the issue and by combining the proven financial concept of the tontine with new Blockchain and AI technology, this will offer powerful and compelling, secure alternative solution to the existing insurance products out in the market.

Tontines are a 300 year old retirement funding solution which in the late 19th century were so popular that over half of all US households had invested the modern equivalent of $170Bn in a tontine. Still popular in France today, in 1906 they fell out of favour in the US due to the insurance company issuers tampering with the membership ledgers & then withdrawing too much investor capital as "insurer profits". But this is about to change again.

In 2017 and the top 20 OECD countries face a $78 Trillion pension shortfall & Fitch Ratings have now also downgraded the insurers which are the counter parties of many of the most widely held private pension products. As with the creation of Bitcoin in 2009, the time is right for a trusted peer-to-peer system which offers users substantial cost & time efficiencies and is properly secured by advanced mathematics, immutable ledgers & pseudonymous accounts.

Wanna learn more about tontine's and be part of the most disruptive revivial in the pension insurance industry in decades? Contact me for more information.

Very best, Alberto
CFRO Tontine Trust Limited

About Tontine Trust Limited:

TontineTrust Limited is a not-for-profit developing a decentralised peer-to-peer retirement savings platform incorporated in Gibraltar, and is in the process of seeking international approvals to issue fully-regulated ALWAYS-fully-funded retirement savings products , secured on the Stellar blockchain and managed by a patent-pending smart-actuary.

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