Sparkster (SPARK) ICO Review & Analysis


The  Next Generation Sparkster Decentralized Cloud meets the needs of  widespread Blockchain adoption by supporting millions of customers and  processing tens of millions of transactions per second.Sparksters  innovative cloud will disrupt the $200 billion cloud computing industry  and prohibitive prices set by centralized cloud providers like AWS,  Microsoft, Google and IBM.

  • The Sparkster Decentralized Cloud has already proven that it can scale linearly without ANY overhead curtailing its performance.
  • Data  stored and accessed on the Sparkster Decentralized Cloud is  deconstructed into transaction fragments, encrypted and disseminated  across a network of nodes. Preventing any data observed from the  Sparkster public blockchain being of any meaningful value. Sparkster’s  Decentalized Cloud implements zk-SNARKs, originally commissioned by  Zcash, zero knowledge proofs ensure that client data is obfuscated, even  from other network participants.
  • The  best networks play well with others, especially when customers decide  which currency they’re most comfortable with. Hence, software designed  with the Sparkster Platform can interact natively with Ethereum and  IOTA, TODAY. In the future, we will support other fledgling currencies  such as NEO, Cardano and Stellar.

“The  Sparkster platform is a finished product. Let’s get started putting it  to good use today. We’re empowering people — like you — to build the  future. Our mission is one of inclusion, collaboration and progress, and  to make sure no one gets left behind.

Positives -

  • The  Sparkster Team Has an Incredible Amount of Experience in Areas That Are  Vital to This Type of Platform. The Team Has Experience with Companies  & Organizations Such as Cisco, WiPro, HSBC and IBM to Name a Few.  The Team Also Includes 17 Software Engineers, Progress Shouldn’t Be an  Issue Here Due to the Sheer Amount of People Working on the Technical  Aspects of Sparkster.
  • Sparkster  Has Some Partnerships Lined up with Arm and Libelium. Both of These  Companies Are on the Fringe of Cutting Edge Technology Providing  Solutions to Power the Internet of Things. Obviously with Any IOT  Technology, Transaction Speed Is Absolutely Critical to Maintain a  Seamless Experience, Sparkster Has This Covered. Big Partnerships, Big  Opportunities.

Full List Of Positives Here

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