Away from cryptocurrency ... other sectors using blockchain technology

Suddenly and without introductions, many sites and other media are talking about the Blockchain technology. There is not a day when you are browsing the Internet, especially the technical sites. Otherwise, you will find one of the articles and news talking about this technology in one way or another.

Although this technology is almost 10 years old, with its modern age, it poses a significant threat to a large number of different business sectors. It has a promising future that will eliminate many barriers and break many restrictions in these sectors.

In addition to its use in digital currency mining, primarily the current virtual currency Bitcoin, its future impact will be more than just the use of virtual currency. 

These are the sectors that can rely on this technology in the near future:

  • photographer

We all know that taking a picture from the Internet and putting it on your site is easy - no matter how you use it - it's a very common way to send messages, especially in readable blogs.

At the CES 2018 consumer products exhibition, Kodak has unveiled a digital copyrighted copybook to enable photographers and news agencies to take more control over image rights management using blockchain technology.

  • Cloud Storage

Data storage in the cloud is not only limited to companies and institutions, but everyone is able to store their data and information on any Cloud Cloud for ease, and provides many of the servers that can work with them free or paid.

Although the obstacles with this technology still exist, such as hacking, sudden downtime, and temporary data loss, Storj has already grabbed the thread and is already providing data storage services on an open source cloud using blockchain technology.

Customers can access their data via this high-encryption, peer-to-peer technology with no minimum fee, with monthly pay-per-use, with 25 GB of space at the time of first registration.

  • Banking services

With the challenges faced by financial institutions related to customer data piracy and transaction cost efficiency, this technology will serve as the magic wand for many of these constraints, the most important of which are the high privacy offered to customers, and the overall degree of security and encryption in transactions.

  • Verification of scientific certificates and CVs

When companies hire an individual to get a job, they want to get the best qualified person with the most appropriate levels of experience. Unfortunately, it may be hard to tell the truth about some CVs. Many job applicants mention in their resume that they have worked in some places While the truth says exactly the opposite.

This problem also arises in universities that need to verify the credentials of faculty members, and in hospitals facing a similar challenge when it comes to doctors, and in many other sectors requiring a job application.

The Learning Machine An emerging company hopes to change this concept based on Blockchain technology through its partnership with governments, businesses, universities, and all relevant sectors to check professional worksheets and keep them in a secure digital notebook.

The mechanism of action is to provide the easiest way to issue official records in digital form that can be accessed by their partners and used directly anywhere in the world without the intervention of the job applicant, eliminating the idea of changing and modifying the applicants' applications.

  • Healthcare

While health care has already been transferred from paper records to the use of technology in many areas, it remains one of the sectors that are still more equipped than ever for integration with modern technologies, especially blockcahin technology.

Among the many challenges facing this sector, keeping patient records away from pirates is the most challenging challenge that still poses a challenge as technology progresses, but with blockcahin technology, these barriers can be put in place.

By providing various patient-specific data, and increasing transparency in health care transactions, while allowing only those who have permission to deal with this data, whether from health providers or patients alike.

  • Voting in the election

Voting in the elections Perhaps the only area that has not benefited greatly from the technical revolution - so far - the same restrictions still require voters to actually attend the voting site to vote, which can often make it difficult to find the time to move - To and from - with the possibility of falsifying results significantly, unlike events and battles that can occur among voters at the event site.

Blockchain technology can eliminate many of the threats to the voting process in various elections, by eliminating fraud in polling operations and providing a clear record of voters. In addition, voting can take place on a mobile platform, allowing voters the opportunity to vote without going to the polling site.

  • Car Rental

DocuSign, which specializes in secure digital documents, has partnered with the VisaCard credit card giant to apply blockchain technology to offer smart, click, sign and drive contracts.

Instead of going through lengthy and complicated processes to choose the car you want to rent, with Blockchain technology you can shorten a lot of steps, you are in the driver's seat and of course your credit card must be within your reach.

  • Security and storage of public records

Keeping records and information about individuals and citizens, such as tax records data, is still a major challenge for governments - especially developing ones - and much of this information is still kept in paper form or in silent databases. To be complex, where they must be available without errors, protected from piracy and manipulation.

Blockchain technology can be a solution to many of these constraints, by coding and maintaining them securely and centrally, making them difficult to hack or change.

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I spent a fow hours writing in this, I hope that this post you like it, I'm sorry about the grammatical errors

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