The One Secret Writing Skill That's Gets Your Posts Read (It's Not A Header)

You've probably heard it from them a thousand times.

The 'Big fishes'.

Those whose Rep are so high that you wonder when you will get there. I have been stuck in 64 for weeks now.

They make you believe that blogging on Steemit is easy, and it can bring you the rewards the blockchain has to offer.

" All that is required of you is to create epic content"

So you are sitting in front of your computer screen staring at that "Submit A Story" link.

All whole lot of amazing ideas are popping around in your head of what to write, but you are afraid that you won't be able to present it well.

And you post will be one of the numerous posts that vanishes into the Steem Blockchain never to be read again.

You fail to see the point of writing anything meaningful and most times you end up posting a random article or a cat video from youtube with hopes that a voting bot will give you an upvote.

After a while you find yourself posting less and less as the weeks go by and after a while you consider quitting Steemit.

I am here to tell you that You can become a great Steemit blogger by just mastering one fundamental skill.

This is the one skill that I value more above others and It has enabled me become the blogger I am today.


After my Last blockchain blogger post, The Ultimate Guide To Finding And Dominating Your Niche On Steemit.

I have been recieving a lot of messages from people who thanked me for my writing and how it has helped them carve out new plans of actions for their blogs.

@knowledge1 said:

It was a joy to read. It was as if I was reading my own thoughts.

Your writing is very engaging. In fact, your post motivated me enough to create a plan of action for my own blog.

The Secret Ingredient Of All Great Writing.

Contrary to the popular belief, blogging on steemit is easy.

For most of us, there are a lot of variables that can sink your content ranging from offline followers to wrong tags.

But at the heart of creating epic content is this one basic ability.

Good Sentences

When you master the art of great sentence writing you will be able to paint pictures with your words that will enable your readers connect with your content.

Fortunately you already have an idea of what a sentence is, so all you need to do now is to learn about what a great sentence looks like so that you can be able to replicate it at will.

I apply these principles not only in my posts but also when I am commenting on the post of others.

Sentences: Crumb-size morsels of value

Every sentence you write must achieve two things, hold readers interest by being meaningful and also act as an usher for the next one.

You may ask what is the true defination of a sentence. Well delving into this will only make this post longer than neccessary, so I will leave the traditional defination for the teachers and the professors.

So instead of the definition of a sentence you should be more concerned on what they do.<?h6>

Sentences are string of words that relate short coherent spurts of meaning.

Simple enough, now lets talk of how to write great ones.

How To Write Sentences That Epic Posts Stand On

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

This quote by Steve Jobs make this first advice more understandable.

The legendary Steven King Said:

If you want to be a writer, you have to read and write a lot.

There are no shortcuts to this, In other to write epic content you have to consistently immerse yourself in good content.

At the begining You would have to concentrate on writing clearly, but as time goes on you will start to apply these principles subconciously.

Epic writing is concise and you should make sure your sentence contains no unnecessary words.

Tickle Their Senses

One of the greatest thing you can achieve with your writing is motivating your readers so that they can achieve their goals, whether your a fitness blogger or a motivational blogger.

And content that achieves this do more than rely on statical facts or figures, it is a kind of content that wakes you up and makes you feel alive.

Here are examples of sentences that do just that.

Live Everyday, like its Shark Week @sandstorm

The Law of attraction only works if you do

Gary Vaynerchuk.

Don't overdo it or you will look ludicrous. Instead use it to drive home an important point or advice.

Another way of doing this is to use concrete and colourful words, you have to find a way to transfer your feeling to them with rich details of anything you are teaching them about.

Don't just tell them you conquered your fear of public speaking by making that first speech at your colledge graduation.

Tell them of the events leading up to the speech, of how your palms were sweating and your heart was racing like a cheetah.

Tell them of that moment of calm that came upon you as you held the mic and began to speak, and also tell them of how imagining everyone in their underwear haunted you afterwards.🙂

Make sure that your writings evoke strong images.

Be Like A Monk- Minimize.

Another thing you have to do while writing is to make sure your sentences short with adequate paragraphs.

You don't want your readers bouncing after getting intimidated with by that huge ugly block of text.

Your post must be easily scannable. I made a Whole Post on the Importance of creating scannable content.

Glue It Like Crazy

Just like the evil warlord in the LEGO Movie wanted to glue everthing in the LEGO World with the Kragle. ( Thanks to @hanshotfirst for an epic movie review)🙂

Your aim should be to glue all the points you are making in your content stick together like it's TACO Tuesday.

You need to connect your sentences together so that your readers will find the easy to surf through your content while understanding every single word at the same time.

Think of it as more like eating pizza, anytime you take a bite, the hot cheese stretches out all you pull the doomed slice away from your mouth.

You will have to nibble up the entire string of cheese to get everything.

You can use this by using transition words ( And, Since, or, etc.)

And forget whatever your English teacher told you about starting sentences with conjuctions, you are inspiring people not writing a report.

Another way is to use lists to group important points.</h6?

First, it helps breakdown the block of text.

Second, it improves user experience and help them to make mental notes

Third, lists makes your readers see the value of each point.

Did you catch what I did now?

Be Like A Ninja

Yes, let loose that Ninja Spirit of yours and eradicate flabs present in your writing.

Be on the alert for redundancy and make your sentences shorter if possible

Don't tell us that your professor is pretty smart, simply saying that he is smart does the trick.

This does not mean you should make your post shorter, but even if you are writing a 5000 word posts make sure that every word in that article drives home your main point.


Blogging on Steemit is hard, but don't make it harder for yourself by frustrating your readers with improperly arranged content.

You can only give yourself one upvote, you have to give others reason to do the same.

Now go back take this post and let it guide you through your content creation process.

You have the make your readers realize that you are ready to sentence your self to success.

Thanks for reading

Read My Last Post: The Ultimate Guide To Finding And Developing A Niche On Steemit

Follow @ogochukwu

Image Sources: and Google Images

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