How To Recover When Your Expectations Are Crushed On Steemit


A lot of expectations have been crushed on Steemit, and this is basically because the platform was marketed the wrong way to people

Two days ago I talked about the wrong way Steemit have been introduced to people and the right way I feel the platform should be introduced to people

We all know the frustration we feel when things don't go according to our expectations, nobody marketed Steemit to me, so I developed the right mindset early on, but some who have been told they will make money for their content easily give up and abandon their blog

In the real world we have been taught that when things fail to go according to plan that we should cut our lossses and move on, but when it comes to Steemit, that is called Steemicide

Steemicide : When Someone abandons his Steemit blog

I first saw this term on @stellabelle's blog when she made a post about people who quit Steemit after being frustrated by the level of returns they were getting

Even though cutting our losses to soften the blows of disappointment is necessary in some areas of our lives, we need to know that this does not apply on this platform, Steemit is shaping a new world order and you have to discover how to lend your voice to this revoulution

I know that you may not be familiar with blogging but you have to learn, if you are frustrated with what is going on in your blog, here are three ways you can make all the impact and rewards you want


Have A Clear Goal

This is where you sit down and make clear goals about what you want and turn those expectations into a goal

Do you want 5000 followers?

Do you want to your posts to get maximum engagement from your readers

Do you want to create a community around what you do

You do not have to limit yourself or feel that your dream is too big, whatever the mind can concieve it can achieve, you are free to be specific about what you want. This will enable you have a sustainable course of action


Review Your Current Activities

One thing I love about Steemit is it's open nature, there is nothing hidden, you can always go back and easily review anything you have been doing since you opened your blog, your posts, your voting habits, th replies you got from people

This requires you to be honest and give your blog a critical evaluation to see if your actions have been matching your expectations

Are your post well written and of high quality?

One of the greatest quote I have come in contact with on this platofrm is that where @edumurphy said: "Don't save your quality content till you become a whale, post it now"

Because if you keep on making those inspiring commnets on the blog post of that whale you have been trying to get to follow you, and then one day he/she decides to visit your blog. When the person gets there and see shit post, he/she will just roll their eyes and leave

So I am asking you today, are you willing to write like a million people read your posts, even if you have twenty followers

Are your comments on the post of others worthy of a reply, or do you spam them with the infamous " Great Post" comment

Like I said in one of my post last month, all it takes it one view from someone who has influence and you will blog will be brought to Limelight, make yourself someone worth knowing

And you have to fabricate it, know when a particular method is not working for you, people who succeed more are more flexible and know when something is not working for them
they reassess their methods and move towards a goal that is similar and easy to achieve faster

They keep setting and accomplishing new goals, and with time their original goal becomes easier to achieve and they may even surpass it, but if you stubbornly refuse to try new methods you may be stuck at that point for a long time

So for example you may be gunning for 1000 followers by the end of the year, but we all know that having followers does not automatically mean you will earn more on your post, you may shift you focus to building a community around what you are doing like @progressivechef's Steemit Iron Chef contest

Steemit is community based and what you will find out is that you will eventually attain your original goal while making meaningful connections with others in your field along the way

This platform is a hub of great minds and if you make meaningful connections, you will get rewards outside the Steem you will earn here, one connection you get on this platform can bring you rewards that surpasses what you expected from your blog in the real world


Back Your Goals With Actions

This is where you go back to those expectations that helped you set those goals, rather than wishing for what you don't have, work like your expectation is a reality

Don't save your best ideas for when you are very popular so that people can see how smart you are, write as if everyone on Steemit is following you

Know your audience and provide them real value, you are not called to serve everybody, know who you are serving, not everybody will be interested in poetry, or food blogging or cat pictures.🙂

The concept behind this is to shift your focus from what you don't have yet to how you can provide something meaningful for the world, you will achieve what you want if you help people get what they want

Give and you shall recieve

It is all about channelling your expectation into excellent work and it will constantly move you to the next milestone, till you achieve your ultimate goal

Thanks For Reading

Read My Last Post : Solving Real World Problems With Cryptocurrency: A Case Study Of Authorship

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