Chromia Ecosystem

Part 1 — Developers, developers, developers…

As everyone knows since Steve Balmer held his famous speech, developers are a key part for every software ecosystem. Well at least the Chromia Team does — it is obvious that Chromia was built with developers in mind from the very start.
A relational Blockchain is the closest architecture in the Distributed Ledger Space to the traditional database, client & server approach. A professional developer with knowledge of for example C and SQL will be able to start working on RELL — which is very similar — within a day. This is a huge advantage, as the pool of potential developers in this field is a magnitude greater than that of developers that are also blockchain experts and willing to master a new complex programming language with a lot of quirks.
Developer adoption is clearly not an afterthought — Chromia’s Article about the guidelines of their user interface and experience (UI/UX) ‘Building a better blockchain UX’ there is equal weight put on developer UX and End-user UX. Dev grants are a best practice approach to attract developer talent, and Chromia gives these grants too. Although providing developers with a smooth, powerful, performant and open and decentralized tool is the priority.
And last — but certainly not least — are the frequent conferences/presentations targeted at developers, in various cities and countries with great attendance. These may not gather a lot of attention in the crypto-space, and the videos (available on Chromia’s YouTube channel) are probably mostly a boring watch for ‘non-tech’ people. But they are extremely important and necessary groundwork. ‘Build it and they will come’ is not sufficient any more, and without ‘basic’ stuff like this many base-level protocols may not be used much.


Chromia MeetUp Presentation (available on Youtube)
The willingness to invest so many resources (time, effort, and money) in the area of attracting developers also hints at Chromia having a serious long-term vision. While there is a balance and there is marketing as well, the goals at Chromia are well beyond just marketing to attract more speculative investors and getting on the next larger exchange. For a project with more short-sighted goals (like there are quite a few out there in my opinion) there would be no need for all the efforts targeted towards developers.

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