The Internet traffic is reaped by BAT, but the block chain is going to reap the giant.

Recently, the friction between the "classical Internet" and the "modern block chain" is constant.
Two years ago, still frequently chanted "Internet plus", like a distant time came the sound.
What is the relationship between the Internet and the block chain in the future?
Has been established for 20 years of the Internet world, will be completely changed by the block chain, and will not exist?
Will the wealth of the vested interests of the Internet be plundered and redistributed?
Many questions, unresolved, and the two sides of the debate, smoke diffused...
The Internet age of 01 monopolies
What kind of world is the Internet now?
"We are very dissatisfied with the present format." A head of financial technology company CEO admired a spade a spade, the Internet has been monopolized by the giant.
BATJ, combined with a new generation of giant TMD, has almost monopolized all the resources.

Now the Internet world is the "flow pasture" of the giants.
And all the people and companies are cattle and sheep on the ranch, which will be harvested by the giant.
"Can you think of it?" We pay the huge amount of traffic each year, up to more than a billion, accounting for 80% of the company's spending, or even higher. " Admiration for such a situation has been dissatisfied with the extreme.
The blockchain, advocate the "distributed", "to the center" concept, the middle of the Mu say well.
There is not much opportunity for the Internet world to leave entrepreneurs.
The territory has been split out, little scraps.
In fact, the nature of the Internet is a set of networks connected by a series of protocols.
And the bottom of the most core TCP/IP protocol group is not mysterious, but a long range of agreements, in the competition, the final victory.
Originally, this agreement is also to centralization, why did the Internet eventually lead to the monopoly of the fate of the Internet?
"The history of the world can use two words to describe, is a long, long time." Zhang Shousheng, a famous physicist and lifelong professor of Stanford University, has a deep study of the block chain.
After the advent of the Internet explosion, it is difficult for people to find their needs from complicated information, so search applications like Google and Baidu began to appear.
In addition to search, there are various portals and applications, and traffic begins to converge.
As a result, the fate of the Internet inevitably goes to the "harmony".
And Zhang Shousheng thought it was the key point of a "division".
02 subversive?
What is the Internet world built by the TCP/IP protocol group?

Now, all of the content on the network will be stored on the server according to the URL.
I send an address request to the server, and the service will help me to guide the content stored on this address.
This is the HTTP protocol and the quintessence of the TCP/IP protocol group.
It is this agreement that overturned the way and efficiency of information circulation over the past decade and brought the Internet revolution, and at the same time, it brought a monopoly.
In the block chain, there has been an ambitious player trying to challenge the position of a centralization site.
This is IPFS.
This is a more magical innovation, and there is a science fiction name InterPlanetary File System.
The founder Juan Benet takes the name for the protocol, which is expected to use this protocol to save and transmit information when human interstellar cross is realized.
How does it subvert the traditional Internet?
The IPFS protocol generates a hash value based on the content of a file, which is the only name of the file.
And the files are broken and distributed on many nodes. When reading, all nodes can react at the same time, so the speed of reading is very fast.
Such distributed storage is naturally more secure.
Unless you put all nodes of the context, otherwise the file will be permanent; and each node has both fragments, not be pocketed data or disclosure.
In this way, IPFS really has a lot of advantages over HTTP - faster and safer.
And the sexiest part of the system is that the system completely breaks the centralization.
Information can be transmitted through point to point.
"Between people and people can return to a P2P (point to point) communication method through the block chain." Zhang Shousheng said.
And the interstellar file system undoubtedly provides the embryonic form of this idea.
This system can also form a "self ecological" system.
For example, each node can upload information, and if the amount of reading and praise of the information is higher, a higher reward can be obtained.
Therefore, for the reward, everyone tries to provide more valuable and more traffic information.
This is no doubt a gospel for the writer.
We don't need the giant's handouts, such as the headlines today, to recommend the location of the article to get the flow.
Juan Benet was so ambitious that he did not want to merge with the Internet, but a thorough subversion.
The world does look a bit beautiful, but the way to the future is unthinkable.
The greatest resistance is undoubtedly due to the regulation of countries.
For supervision, it is only necessary to control the centralization of the website, and can basically control the public opinion and information dissemination.
And the spread of P2P will be completely out of control.
Such a network will be difficult to spread around the world.
It is difficult to promote the first step of survival, and even if it is successful and run smoothly, it is not optimistic.
The disorder of information is likely to inundate the network environment.
To obtain the highest click and dissemination of content, will focus on pornography, this is human nature.
Of course, I am afraid that some new network consensus is needed in the later period, and there is a certain punishment mechanism to allow the "self ecological" system to be implemented.
It can be seen that, in the present situation, it is very difficult to go through the subversion on the one hand.
03 fusion?
"Between the block chain and the Internet, it is not likely to be a subversion, but a superposition and upgrading based on the Internet." Zhang Jian, the founder of bloomen and CEO, the author of the block chain: defining the new pattern of future finance and economy, told a block chain.

The so-called superposition is to add a layer of block chain protocol on the Internet TCP/IP protocol, thus forming a new set of network.
This is the biggest change to the Internet, mainly in two aspects.
First, it ensures the non tampering and ownership of information.
For example, when the article is generated, it is a "unique" signature, and no one can plagiarize or steal.
In the field of information transmission, this may be one of the biggest problems that block chains can solve.
Second, it is a set of "value" transmission systems that begin to appear.
"The core of value is to reach a consensus." Zhang Shousheng said.
The most attractive part of the block chain is to build a sophisticated "consensus system" by means of economics, cryptography and mathematics.
For example, the emergence of bitcoin, is all computer, calculate a math problem in hangchikengchi, is equivalent to the solution of the equation, to find an answer, the answer is a hash value.
Whoever calculates the fastest can get a bitcoin reward.
"Although it seems to have wasted some of the energy around the world, it is actually getting a more valuable wealth, that is, the consensus." Zhang Shousheng believes that reaching consensus and making disorder orderly is a lower cost scheme.
Block chain and Token (certification), China likes to translate into tokens. For reference, we can refer to a block chain's last report, Token, which is a greater invention than block chain. Combined, it will produce more sexy power.
All things are electronically, and the trade, cutting, value and wealth of the block chain will be greatly enriched.
Therefore, Zhang Jian once said that when we leap out of the era of our existence and from the scale of the larger development of human history, the birth of Internet and block chains is only a few decades.
"What can not be said by future archaeologists is that human beings have also invented efficient information transmission networks and information transmission networks." Zhang Jian said.
That is, the block chain and the Internet superposition will solve two difficult problems, the transfer of ownership and value of information.
04 monopoly break
Back to the topic of the Internet world being monopolized by the giant, can the problem be resolved after the integration of the two sides?
The answer is yes.
In essence, the differences in the underlying logic of the two sets of protocols will produce a completely different era.
The Internet now, in fact, is a free system.
The TCP/IP protocol built a highway, but there was no toll station.
For example, Tim Berners Lee invented the world wide web, sir, laid the cornerstone of the Internet content distribution, but he is honorary life sized from his invention, but can not earn a lot of money.
Look at the rise of the giants, such as the ant gold clothing Empire, based on the large data frame of Ma Yun.
But notice that the giants built their empire by using the data we generated, but did we enjoy our value as a data provider?
Did not。
The giants have risen rapidly and even ruled our lives.
This is the cruel reality of the Internet age. The paving people didn't earn money, and the number people didn't enjoy the benefits, and the application above became a giant.
The protocol of the block chain is quite different.
The underlying protocol and the public chain of various block chains are very powerful. They do not provide free roads, but they build a "toll station".
The most obvious example is the Tai Fang.
All kinds of projects based on the etheric workshop need to pay their "toll stations" as long as the ether "freeway" is used.
And the market value of the infrastructure of the Tai Fang will increase because of the increase in the flow of traffic.
Secondly, the application layer of the future block chain can not have the ownership of user data.
Each user needs to "pay" to the user once the data is invoked.
That is to say, the underlying agreement in the future will become a giant by charging the tollbooth, data providers will also get rewards, and developers will not play the leading role.
At this time, the monopoly of the Internet age will be broken.
In the future, the "agreement" of the block chain itself can support hundreds of billions of market capitalization.
Of course, in the area of block chain, there will not be only one "agreement", and there will be a corresponding agreement in the various sectors and fields.
We call it the "public chain".
The classical and modern Internet blockchain controversy, in fact, the two are not either this or that.
It is not the substitution and subversion, but the fusion and the promotion.
The future is coming, but I'm afraid the way to the future is still rugged.
This article comes from a block chain, the entrepreneur is authorized to publish, and the copyright belongs to the author, and the content only represents the independent viewpoint of the author. [download the entrepreneur APP, read the 7000 most profitable business in China]

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