Obama's Campaign Speech in Gary, IN Looks like Obama is rusty on his History and still pretending the other side is doing what the Democrats are doing!

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Hear Obama's campaign in Gary, IN

Clip at the bottom and sources throughout.

America’s at a crossroads? Really?

We all saw what you do at a Crossroads Obama. Those special jellybeans you've been eating must have addled your brain.

You became a coward when you faced your own crossroads at that Red Line!


Even Obama's good bud Kerry threw him under the bus for that one!


He dare mentions health care and character. He's a real riot!

Obama credited with Biggest lie of the year in 2013!

I could give more links, but the biggest liar covers the character part. Two birds one stone!

We didn’t choose the better course for you Obama and you’re right, it didn’t just happen by itself!

You and your globalist buddies Cheated the election!

Obama is truly confused on his history as it was the Dem’s who were Against abolishing slavery and Against the Vote for Women!


The Democrats didn't want slaves to be free!


We’re the ones pushing back your “progressive agenda” that is Only generous to the Globalists and all your rich Deep State Friends Obama!

We’re going to Reject You and Your pals Obama! That is who we are going to Reject!

Anyone You’re stumping for. . .Will Never get My Vote!

Here's a link to his campaign in Gary, Indiana . Just click on the skip ad button to get right to his misplaced smugness, this is a fox news vid clip.


What are your thoughts on Obama's misinformation and attempts to garner votes through his system of lies?

Should he really be drawing attention to his Character? Didn't his lack thereof, play out poorly for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016?

Let me know what you think and above all else. . .get out there, do your part as a heroic patriot and #VoteRedToSaveAmerica . We are All Counting on You!

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