TravelBlend Portable Blender with Charging Adapter

I'm your host Valerie step and we're going to be with you the next hour in the kitchen and I love when we get to bring something brand-new that you've never seen on television the first airing our HSN exclusive launch of our Travel blend portable blender so you're saying what I just want to ask you how many times have you been hungry on the go and you said oh I don't want to have to go through a drive-through one more time I'm going to help you get all your nutrients give you those fresh juices and those fresh smoothies on the go any time at your disposable at your disposable at your disposal from a travel blend I'm going to introduce Stephanie Roberts who is going to show me all of the amazing ways that we're going to put this portable blender to use because this is a pretty cool this is so cool this is a great concept we're like in the morning like now I can pack my fruit and then I can take it with me and once I get that fruit with me I can blend it whenever I want it so if I'm walking out the door right now but not ready for my smoothie yep I'm good to go right I'm going to put the lid up I'm going to go about my merry way when I'm ready to have my smoothie maybe when I get to the office after I drop the kids off I'm going to put a little water in because you know that is how I like to make my smoothies I'm actually using coconut look like cocoa a little coconut and more as well but look what I don't have no cords this is a rechargeable battery operated personal blender and with the touch of a button there goes my smoothie have to hold the button down it is doing that exact it'll stop in 30 seconds anything want to stop it before then you can go ahead and give it a push or you could do it again just grab all the amps of power we're talking about a powerful basically a portable blender click on the go with no force totally rechargeable because we're launching this for the very first time it's we've taken five dollars off we do have in fun fashion color so you're looking at it in the red we also have it in the black and then we have it in purple which I understand is HSN exclusive to us right here at HSN we're calling it plum and you see that that in just seconds you're good to go we had a fresh healthy made-to-order smoothie and you know what it didn't cost me $10 it didn't so I mean here's the thing you're making the decision to have a healthy eating plan especially this time of year and oh my definitely should try it because there's nothing better than fruit to start the day but it is hard when you're on the go if you don't have the time first thing in the morning then you're not going to keep on your eating plan absolutely take it with you you can pack this full of fruit the night before grab and go honestly this cute little handle here one of my favorite things because you know I can put it on my wrist I can take it with me to the gym it goes in my gym bag wherever you are when you want to make the decision to eat healthy you have what you need here's my number one use for it I am a huge protein shake girl whether it's working out whether it's dieting whether I'm honestly just too lazy to eat a meal there's all those reasons why I like to now use my protein shakes and I don't think I'm alone but if you grab those protein shakes your replacement drinks and you shake them let's be real ill right they're frothy they're chunky it's just it's not it's not a yummy thing if I take my protein mix and I blended it at home well we know it's going to taste good right in fact watch list let's put a little bit of fruit in there as well because one of the reasons I like to do protein at home is because I can add some fruit because you know what sometimes I don't honestly like the taste right I want to jazz it up a little bit but on the go I don't have the ability to get that good blend of my protein and I can't add fruit so with some pulsing here I can go ahead and get my protein shakes going I like to pulse it because I'm going to get that fruit down there to the bottom and then I'm on the go so I didn't shake I didn't buy the pre-made one and suddenly I am able to get what I need and it's going to be smoothie ready and if you're like me I know when I leave leave the gym they charge you for smoothies on the way out you can actually prepare and have your own smoothies if you need some of those nutrient dense you know canned drinks a lot of you have to get those extra calories if you just had anything you want to drink those out of the can you want to pour them in your portable blender you want to add maybe anything extra that you might need whether it's some extra protein or some fruits to your liking and then this is the way that you can get your healthy fresh meals on the go are you I am pulsing spinach broccoli grapes and honeydew and look at that there we go and suddenly again I don't just have to take with me things that I want to drink out of sweet drinks I can pulse my spinach I can help my broccoli I can pulse my growl and I can pull my honeydew and suddenly I have a green drink so this is giving me tons of options again if you take this product and you look at your green drink and think okay but you know there's a juice bar down the street from me I can stop and get one of those five dollars no tanzic sellers and $10 Yelp depending on some of the juice bars in Los Angeles it's $12 I believe a fresh blended and that's all that they've done they used a high-powered blender you're getting this on-the-go the blender it's a four blade system so it's really really great is stainless steel you're getting all that power and love the of a choice of color easy on an off switch so it's going to be automatically on for 30 seconds or you can pulse like stephanie was just saying but I want you to just think about how many times you have wished that you did not have to drive through a drive-thru how many times you wished at your office or at the daycare or maybe you're just on the go and you've already you know you get in your car and you're like man I really wish I had packed something healthy ten dollars here ten dollars there ten dollars here will guess what for $you can take your healthy meals with you on the go anytime you want and you choose the ingredients exactly you see ingredients and the uses are endless but this is what really actually turned me on because what do we use for everything round a us us board if there's one thing I know you have wherever you are because you're charging your phone is the ability to charge USB so this runs on battery it runs on rechargeable battery that is recharged with a USB cord so of course you are getting the cord you're actually getting the plug as well to go ahead and put into the outlet but this is an absolute must and I love the fact that even when you're traveling even if you're away for the weekend when you're at the gym no doubt you know where the outlet is for your phone now you can charge your travel blood there as well it also comes with something kind of fun when you unpack this at home it does actually have a child lock feature so the kids can't get in there and start blending if you don't want them to it's simply a squeezable removed spring very simple but when you get it home and see that that is something that you will notice also each of the lids comes with a strainer at the top so that if you want to stay strain some of the broccoli out of the green drink I just made then you can have some of the smaller pieces at one time I like to use the strainer is what I'm working with blackberries or raspberries because I just a little tired of the seeds in my drinks but I know I want to have the blackberries for the antioxidants in the blueberries so this is also just a useful addition but when it comes to straightforward and simple all you have to do is blend and go so I'm kind of in beach and sunset I was going to say until beverage so let's think about this you don't want to drag the whole bottle right so you can flip this spend some of your time well that's right it depends on how much you're going to consume but let's say that we're just having a little bit of a small drink to go I don't have to take all the stuff with me I can put the ingredients right here in travel blood I can take off to the beach of the picnic or wherever I'm going I have heard some people tell me this can make a little league baseball game better too when you did this a little bit of a blend there and suddenly you have an adult beverage so the uses are endless baby food is another one I love because yes you can buy the baby food in the pouch but then you're not controlling the ingredients yes what if you take your sweet potato a little bit of you're going to carry bottled water anyway with the young ones and then blend it fresh wonderful while you're out shopping while you're at lunch with girlfriends this is good for anything that you want to make into more of a treat now speaking of treats camping season I have to bribe my kids with treats when we're camping just to make them think that we're having a great time and then it's not hot and buggy and might rain on them so you know you do the s'mores you do things like that will take your pudding to go that's half a container of pudding okay put in some good cream or whole milk and watch this are you going to make me instant pudding it's like an instant mousse literally and look how quickly this is going to come together it is amazing like three bursts and it's going to come together I hope we have control the ingredients if you have a child that has any allergies I know when you go to those smoothie shops or you're trying to get something that's already been pre produced and you're going to a store to purchase it you're still paying for the same price whether you deduct the ingredients in fact they usually charge you more if you want to swap out for switch out for like coconut milk or almond milk exactly you just made we just made literally pistachio mousse in seconds you know I like your allergy conversation because to a lot of people choosing a vegan diet a vegan lifestyle there is not always a juicer smoothie bar around the corner and if you're you know trying to use one of the fast food alternatives you're not getting that vegan option so this controls whatever lifestyle and diet choice you are making you can do a little garnish here and suddenly camping has a lot more fun but you don't have to just use this on the go my big thing at home is you know if one child wants this and I want something different that blender is heavy you know I don't want to be constantly digging it out from underneath the island putting it back up on the counter and hard to clean hard harness is madly yes we will take one apart for you in just a second show you how easy it is but you can see the opportunities are endless if someone says to me Oh mom I want a smoothie the first thing I'm going to do is look through the fridge and see what produce needs produce needs to be used and if I've got a banana that's a few days out we're like all right we're going to use a little banana base going to put a little pineapple and mango in there and suddenly I have the most amazing smoothie drink available to me every time I like the fact that I have a pulse option on a - because it's letting my bananas and my pineapples sink so that I'm able to get the quickest and best blend with them but it's just the fact that you can control what you eat and when you you know put some protein in there if you want and if you do if you if you work out of your car or if you're on the go all the time you're taking trips this is a great way this will even fit in most of your cupholders in your car so you do have your choice of black plum which is an HSN exclusive color or you could choose red you're getting everything you need remember this is a rechargeable blender and it is an absolute easy way I would be or you is that chocolate chocolate ice cream in a little bit of chocolate man I would add maybe a little Kahlua and coffee because you know I mean because it's endless everything that you're showing this is all ingredients that you have designed you've said you know what this is what I want today they don't want to hire premium I want to take this on the go if you work at home you don't want to pull out the big blender you say I just want one you know afternoon treat this is great portion control for that as well you know what that is a good point with the portion control because I will tell you my kids ask for milkshakes a fair amount and my big thing is I don't want to get out the whole blood and to make a little milkshake so that I end up making a lot of milkshake and then I am and a lot of that milkshake as well which is usually not my goal so I love the fact again that all this looks amazing it is never too early for a milk I know I missed out on my my mint pistachio souffle mousse over there chocolate go into either one you would like you pick which I want to know every chocolate alright you good chocolate I want to grab one of the ones off the what you get table here this is the very first time we have ever showed this on television the very first time you're getting your choice of color this is an exclusive launch for us here at HSN so you're the first to see it cents plus we've done a special summer price for you think about where you're going think about how much it costs to get good healthy fast food on the go this is your portable blender do you ever think that you could say that it has no cords you have to plug it into where it's actually rechargeable we're going to break it down so you can see so easy to clean this with it there's really nothing down needed it in terms of cleaning I love the fact that it comes completely off the base you stick your little rag in there you wash it out wipe this off on the outside you're good to go I mean it doesn't get any was it that was easy exactly so when we're comparing it to a big blender with all its blades in all its parts it obviously gets a lot more complicated okay so when we are cooking at home though and not getting out the big blender pesto salad dressing up I mean again if when I make salad dressing I want to make it fresh every single time so that I don't need to go ahead and get out a whole blender if I'm going to make my zucchini spirals I don't need to make a you know a pile of sauce for 20 servings I can just go ahead and do bits and pieces of it pulse a few times and suddenly my nuts my garlic my spinach mixed in with some olive oil look at this I love great if you're sending a grad off to college someone has a new studio apartment doesn't have a lot of space for a large blender and put a blender under your if you don't have the space absolutely we are doing salad dressings I'm over here two of my treats this morning while you're making the final smoothie making a little dessert does not matter what you want you control the ingredients you control the pulsing you get great colors take it on the go with you pulse in your car and it is an actual blender before blaze 12 amps it's powerful first chance you're getting a chance to see it this morning on flex pay there is the plum our exclusive color cents to get home I say cheers but I have butter but you guess that is okay I'm making whipped cream Oh put it in your suitcase check it with your luggage you will have it wherever great my idea that is a great idea Thank You Stephanie

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