Are you still controlled by your illusions?

That reminds me, Eric Whoru is the father of modern jurisdictional challenges.
My take on his take on gov't goes somethin' like this,....

When the 'americans' threw off the british crown sovereignty devolved onto the people.
We was free.
Then, SOME folks got together and decided they needed a new boss to replace the old boss.
They thought this wonderful idea was so wonderful that it needed deception and coercion to succeed.
So they built the apparatus that is the modern state.
Now those folks over there can do whatever they want is/was the motto of most of 'us' here on turtle island,...
By ignoring those that WILL KILL US to control us this current cornucopia of control techniques has become our day to day normal.
We are living in a dystopia, if you hadn't noticed for yourself.
It's the way things have always been, it's the best system ever devised by man, it's the worst system except for all the rest, and you can't fight city hall have become our daily mantras.
Well, not hivizens, so much, but those are out there, and in the majority, for sure.

Anyway, that group over there has no 'right' to vote me into slavery.
They get away with it because they can divide me into a party of one and easily overpower me.

However, in course of events I have come to do some very valuable, to me, study in my 50 years.
One lucky thing I ran across was Eric Williams. I can safely say that I wouldn't have had the success I've had in court were it not for him.

I'll try to get him here so that you can read him for yourselves.

The other person I want to introduce you to, if you haven't already found him, is Marc Stevens.
Pseudonym for some yankee transplant to the desert.
I have to give credit to @dollarvigilante who's show introduced me to Marc's Method.
He has expanded on Eric's position to the point that people straight off the streets can learn the questions to ask.
His customer service is much better than Eric's, but Eric is in his 80's and doesn't get around like he used to.

Now, I know consensus on how to get from here to there is not on the immediate agenda, but the conversation is.

My road to utopia is paved by the mantra 'Keep working, stop paying.'
By doing this we continue to produce the flashylightboxes and code that motivates them while enjoying life without crapitalusts forcibly subtracting from our labor pools.

Imagine, any product that you can dream of and get produced is your's for the asking.
All you got to do is what you did today.
If you weren't productive today, that is ok, in the aggregate.
My numbers say 20,000 hours of collective production and you are done.
Not done with doing things, but done with having to punch a clock.
You can retire to world travel, if that is your thing.
Or you can retire to your dreamlike mad scientist lab, like Tesla on steroids.
No budget restrictions means we'll be on the moon in short order.
The sky is the limit of cooperative living.

All you have to do is cooperate,.....

Thanks for your time,...

Originally published here.

Call me for your cut, Ozzy?

2020 update:

I've been terribly busy, I hope to find more time soon.
Mark Stevens has left the building.
If you need help, you will have to ask someone that knows his method.
His page may go down soon.

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