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OMG, I have Black Widows Everywhere! 🕷

Every night I head up to my off grid House in the woods to get away from civilization.

Normally I just stroll into my home barefoot, or wearing slippers at best. Well tonight I felt something different as my toe graze this little spider’s web on the way in. I stopped to grab the iphone light, and pointed it at my foot to see what it was that felt so peculiar.

Then it hit me, I almost had a heart attack when I saw his little red belly (hourglass) shining back in the dark!

It was a #black-widow standing besides me! Of course I had to take a picture of him in the pitch black night, all alone by myself. Since my iphone won’t let me have the flashlight and the camera running at the same time(that I know), I almost touched him again trying to get these pics for you @steemit!

As I jumped back I got chills down my spine, two close for comfort.

Lucky I Survived, this time! 🙏

Maybe it is a sign, time to invest in a new Pair of Shoes??? Meh - Oh-my!


I freaked out after realizing what he was - #deadly!

I still left him alone anyway, I figure if I don’t bother him, he shouldn’t bother me, right? Tomorrow night I will just have to watch my step, lol 😂

Just my luck, maybe I better take it easy for a while! Done a lot flagging, made a lot of Karma!!!!

#poison #spider #black-widow #pal #photography

I’m not sure why this happened, I’ve never spotted a Black Widow up here before-now??

I think I will have to be more careful walking in, or just get some shoes??? I hate shoes though! Close Call! If I got bitten up here, I’m pretty sure I would not wake up in the morning. #nobody-around for miles! #no service

I tried to post this from Instagram, and it did not even work up here!

Steemit still works though! +1 for Steemit!

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