Introducing Blackphotos


Blackhotos is a project that was born out of passion and movement for equality among the people of the world. @stellabella in her post the internet is racist showed a very challenging fact about the internet which almost nobody seem to note:

I did some searching today online for stock photos for black people and it looks like there are few or no free stock photo resources. Instead of us feeling paralyzed or victimized by this situation, we can look at it as a huge opportunity. I don't know what percentage of the world is non-white, but I know it's bigger than we think it is. The internet is a reflection of those who build it. And the non-white world is not really represented in stock photos.

She made a suggestion that the steemit planet should create the most amazing common stock image library for the world to use and get it right.

This challenged so many people out of which only a few took action. @ayobami and @tecnosgirl took action and showed interest in making things happen.

The coloured skin needs a voice and their voice can only be heard through ACTION.

#blackphoto serves as a platform to bring the coloured skin photos together as the first step towards achieving the goal of the photo library.

Let us show the other stock photo library website how it should be done. @stellabelle coined words

More informations will be communicated to the steemit planet as times go on


  • Programmers needed urgently

show your interest by commenting

  • Don't forget to show your interest by commenting and chatting me up on (user: ayobami99)

  • Africans and blacks, don't forget to use #blackphoto as a tag in your pictures.

Special thanks to @stellabella, the inspirer of this great project. I also acknowledge the efforts of @tecnosgirl, @ehiboss and all who caught the vision.

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