@Buildawhale Blacklist @badcontent Claim. I am not going to let my freedom get in your way. My faith is sufficient.

I am so blessed to be a part of this list.

I hope @badcontent is having a good day. I would like to make another post here for whoever they are to comment on when they see I forgive them.

As a blacklisted club membership partner. My non-existent bid for worldly votes won't be any good. And for that I am truly grateful!

I consider my being on this list to be a thing of considerable beauty. As I am setting out on this steemit journey. It is fitting to be found worthy of the @buildawhale blacklist. However, would it be possible to have my account moved to the front of the list as I have looked for it, although not really hard, but it doesn't seem to be there.

What I have discovered on Steemit is that I can write as much as I want to, and post it to the Twitter world, and have had up to 11,000 impressions on one post.

And monetize my efforts here too! Thanks for that.

So, there seems to be a group of who knows what, that want to force others to vote or delegate or play the game of the government and destroy who, in their opinion, don't have what it takes to be here. Calling us names like scam or Fraud. Thank you sincerely. I am so thankful for not looking worthy, because I am not. I am the least of what you might consider to be a content writer.

Is this the most recent attempt by manipulative forces to extort people to do something? (Ezekiel 22:29). All for the praise of a whale? Or the witness vote? Or something more sinister?

I am not real sure how @badcontent becomes a voice for judgement, except to make people feel ... ? I don't know, afraid of the judgement of a small amount of criticism. I am not.

I welcome the comments but I am not sure everyone who is being bullied by @badcontent is deserving.

I joined the suggested discord channel and read several people's posts asking to be removed from the "Halloween" blacklist. Then I left the server even though I was warned not to.

This blacklist just might be of an ordinary non-transparent intent, and accomplished only to serve something other than ultimate good for the people that have been harrassed.

Why make up some falsehood to put themselves in a make believe position of power.

This account, @badcontent, has never made a single attempt at content. Or so it seems. But I know that people in the group mentioned earlier have opened an account just to hide something or other. Who is to say that this is not the same.

I am not going to a "timeout" session. For the likes of such an unbalanced account.

For the accounts that have been unjustly targeted by @badcontent I would hope that you know you are human and you make mistakes, however, I am the least qualified to judge.

One poor fellow wanted to report this! I'm sure that got a chuckle from the gang at the promotion board. Lol.

Report this!?! To who?!? This blacklist account is some weird club of some kind. IMHO. I am glad to have been singled out and been found unworthy of the "honor".

So...I am not a bot, and have been warned that these bots prey on weak accounts. I am not strong because of my SP. I am sure that "karma" is probably going to be involved here.

The @buildawhale blacklist might be a measurement of human fault. You can make mistakes. It's okay.

No account, it seems, has the power to keep us from doing or saying anything we are led to say. Some senator named Bernie proved that.

I up voted my ... What's it called! Accusations.

Thanks for listening. It's been a pleasure.

Disclaimer: This is for your entertainment purposes only. Any persons mentioned here may be actually made up and will self destruct on the blockchain of truth portrayed in the picture above.

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