Waking the dead

This one comes from snowflakes anonymous where the dead moan forever...


“Have you ever re-arranged onions to suit your mood?” asked Kafka under the moon that shone down brightly on the graves.

“It comes down to this, have you listened to yourself lately?” replied Dante from his box.

Does the onion have a beauty, because it’s not a dragon is it? Said Kafka beginning to cry for something lost.

“So, you have a disquiet that’s eating you. Perhaps it is a dragon,” said Dante, wondering why he was hearing all this.

“Monkeys in the wine down among the dead; cheers,” said Kafka.

“Those monkeys get around,” said Dante.

“Yeah,” said Kafka, “but I want to talk about beauty now, there used to be so very much of it around.”

“You may be in the wrong place for that; shush now, I have news: the bad rats are digging down for gold and can’t be stopped,” said Dante, listening to the news.

“A rescue party perhaps?” asked Kafka, hopefully.

“There’s no rescue from this place,” replied Dante wondering how many times he would have to say that before Kafka would accept it.

“So shall I keep on trying then, even though it gets me nowhere, shall I keep on?” intoned Kafka, with not a lot of hope.

“Personally, I’d take anything to get out of here, but we’re stuck here so stop going on about it,” said Dante.

“I want a smoke in the garden,” said Kafka, wishing for a smoke in the garden.

“Everyone grows old, but the sky never loses its beauty,” said Dante, “but when the breath comes in huge gusts, part payment for the fumes built-in, bulletproof to the pain that always gets through anyway, there’s not a lot that can be said to explain it.”

“What are you two going on about?” said the girl walking up behind them and making them both jump.

“Woo,” went Kafka and hurried off to hide somewhere.

“What’s wrong with him?” asked the girl, full of questions.

There was no answer as the silvery form of Dante shimmered and then fell like smoke, down, to disappear into the earth leaving the girl staring about her under the bright moon.

Image from Pixabay

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