Enough of extremes

In a hot sauna with number 5...


“How many times can you get into heaven?” asked number 5 going through her regimented panic stations, virally speaking, yet not moving an inch on her hot seat.

“As many times as you can pass through the door,” I replied, also barely moving on the hot wooden seat next to her.
“This place is hotter than hell,” she said as the sweat dripped from her to puddle on the floor.

I was about to say something but groaned instead as someone threw more water on the hot stones to make the place unbearable.

It was too much for me, and as I made my way to where I thought the door was in the steam filled room a hand grabbed my arm and hung on.

We exited the sauna like two corks popping through the doorway, steamed and steaming into the bright sunlight and cold-footed our way across the snow to the shed where our clothes were.

It was tradition to dive naked into the frozen pool after the sauna but we’d had enough of extremes and now the middle way was calling.

“They say Thailand is nice this time of year,” said number 5, hurriedly pulling her clothes on in the freezing shed.

“There’s a lot of Buddhists in Thailand,” I said, thinking about it.

Image from Pixabay

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