
“We strongly believe that the practice of sharing access rights of assets among the community will positively improve people’s social responsibility while helping achieve a better living standard for all.”

The above is an opening statement of the vision of bizshake project as stated in its whitepaper(pg 6).


Blockchain is undeniably one of the greatest inventions of man. I know next to nothing of satoshinekemoto, the anonymous inventor of bitcoin and blockchain itself; but it’s no gainsaying that they/he/she is a genius of high standard. For the few years now since blockchain came into existence, it has been under continuous revolution such that it impacts on virtually every facet of our economy and by extension, our very lives. Blockchain is fast evolving into a powerful tool by which creative folks – through the numerous projects that spring up daily on the chain – seek to solve some of the pressing challenges we encounter in our society and by so doing, restructure the economy. One of such projects is bizshake, an emerging p2p decentralized sharing platform on blockchain.

We understood from our previous review on this project that bizshake is a proposed peer-to-peer platform on which users would be able to share (rent or pawn) their assets to other users in need of such assets. I believe in line with the project’s mission quoted above that we do have social responsibilities towards one another as human beings. No single person is self-sufficient however affluent he or she might be. We just don’t live like islands. Even monks do need help of fellow monks at times. My point here is that we all have social responsibilities or rather should I say ‘social obligations’ toward each and everyone around us – and to some extent, I believe we have been discharging those obligations from time to time – even if it is only toward or friends and loved ones.

When we share our possessions with our friends/loved ones, obviously they are happy and feel loved. So imagine if we could expand our scope. If we could have a wider reach – reaching out to a larger number of people and helping them at the points of their needs! How good indeed would life and living be especially for those we are helping! If this happens, bizshake visualizes it would help

“achieve a better living standard for all”

And yes!

You woud agree that point is absolutely right.

You see, a lot of us have so many things that just lie about in our homes. That camera that you would not really need until your vacation which is three months away…, that hair dryer that you do not like using anymore because your aunt gave you a new one…, that honda car that you do not love driving any more just because you got a new trending car for your wedding gift…, etc. Has it occurred to you for once someone is in dire need of that car, that camera, that dryer while you perfectly enjoy your life without them? And if they can’t get someone to help them with those things, they’d have to spend up likely their life savings to purchase them new just to meet their temporal need. Imagine if you could help them out with those items (and benefit passively from that act) instead of them having to spend up their entire savings to acquire them new – funds that they could spend on other more pressing needs or for emergencies…

Well, not only would those folks be happy and grateful if they could get help with those, but more importantly, it would impact enormously on the economy as well. You as the lender would have economic benefits from the interests you charge for renting those assets. Your act of sharing would save the other party the cost of buying them new. They get to enjoy temporal rights of the assets you rent to them for a little cost while saving their funds for emergencies and other more pressing needs. The overall impact of this on the long run is improved standard of living since those folks can now acquire their needs for far lesser cost than they would buying them. Thus the sharing system if expanded to reach a larger number of people would make life easier for the masses from different parts of the globe.

With this in mind? How is the wider reach achieved?

This brings us to a major goal of bizshake project as contained in its mission statement. I quote again:

“To bring a better life through innovative technology and a business model based on a decentralized P2P sharing ecosystem.”

In other words, bizshake proposes a decentralized p2p sharing platform to help in this mission of evangelizing the society through sharing. This platform of course would be the bizshake ecosystem itself. Here people from every walk of life who have assets to rent or pawn or are in need of assets to rent or in need of short-term loans will meet to execute transactions. Thus, bizshake offers a market place of some sort for renting and pawning of assets among users. The platform would be of decentralized nature as stated – without geographical restrictions. This way, it is very possible mass adoption would be achieved in no distant time.

What do you think of Bizshake project?

In my opinion it is obviously a project worth looking out for moreover as it has betterment of society and human lives as its focus.

For more information on the bizshake project, please visit their official website at: https://www.bizshake.io
Also read their whitepaper here: https://www.bizshake.io/sites/default/files/BizShake_Whitepaper_1.2_ENG_2.pdf


Bounty0x username: diana1

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