Stan, Michael and Quintric in Brazil

Getting excited about what's coming up this fall. Michael and I are flying straight from BitFest in Amsterdam to São Paulo, Brazil for the biggest blockchain event of its kind there.

Check it out

Now, what's really cool is that we're planning to spill a lot of beans while we are there. This is going to virtually guarantee that we get swarmed with questions after our key note addresses.

Those of you who have been following my cryptic new Telegram channel, BitShares for Nice People are going to find a lot of those Riddles of Biblical Proportions will be answered there in the Q&A sessions. Who knows what we might let slip?

Just to give you a taste, here's Riddle #28 - certain to be solved in São Paulo!

Riddle #28
"Consider the blockchains of the sea and sky. They run on privately owned platforms yet I tell you Bitcoin in all its glory was not as decentralized as one of these."

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