Bitcoin Latina Market Manipulation Caught in the Act

Don't try this at home.

Tonight someone with control of the Bitcoin Latina BCL token pulled a fast one. Here's a few screenshots from a BitShares wallet browser I found posted in one of the telegram chatrooms:

These operations unfroze the BCL markets someone with such powers had frozen days earlier for three minutes, during which the following operations quickly took place:

Then the markets were frozen again leaving the following result - a sudden new market price of $10 for BCL.

Note how the transactions moved the market price up to $10 and the telltale letters in red, "The Owner of BCL has disabled trading in this market."

Wow! If it were only that easy.

Anyhow, He Who Shall Not Be Named (I'll call him Scorpion) is running around accusing Jared Rice of market manipulation because he bought and sold a few of the BCL that Scorpion donated for the purpose of buying food and paying his rent. That's before Scorpion stole them back right out from under the SEC's nose in a classic case of Grand Theft Crypto.

So now the market price of BCL is nicely back up to $10 where it belongs.

You can't make this stuff up.


Here's the explanation/confession that apparently just got posted by BCL founder Gotts

And here is John Gotts "buying ahead of the news" as "Satoshi Wagyu"...

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