Dynamic exchange rates on mrkt.cash

Now you can use dynamic exchange rates in offers on mrkt.cash. It can significantly save your time and increase your productivity.

You do not have to monitor current exchange rates. They change dynamically online and are calculated by means of variables.

Variables are exchange rates which are automatically uploaded from various sources.

You can see most favourable variables for each currency pair:

When creating an offer on mrkt.cash, you can attach exchange rate to any variable or create your own formula using existing variables instead of setting the rate directly. In that case, if the price of the cryptocurrency changes, the value of a variable changes as well, and your rate will be updated.

Select a variable, and it will appear in the “Set the rate” field.

Moreover you can make arithmetic calculations - add, subtract or multiply by coefficients or by other variables. The resulting rate will be calculated online on the right side of the formula:

Here are the examples of popular formulas you can use:

1. Sell or buy BTS for RUB at the exchange rate of Central Bank of the Russian Federation +3%:
bts_bts_usd*cbrf_usd_rub*1.03 = 8.029 RUB for BTS

2. Sell or buy MILE for ETH at the exchange rate of SDR:
imf_sdr_usd/cmc_eth_usd = 0.003849 ETH for MILE

3. Sell or buy KRM for BTC at the exchange rates of coinmarketcap.com:
cmc_krm_usd/cmc_btc_usd*1.05 = 0.00000065 BTC for KRM

4. Sell or buy bitUSD for RUB at the exchange rate of Central Bank of the Russian Federation +2%:
cbrf_usd_rub*1.02 = 67,61 RUB for bitUSD (as of 10/08/18)

Dynamic exchange rates allow you to obtain maximum result with minimum effort.

Make deals at your favourable rates!

Mrkt.cash social network:

Telegram English: https://t.me/mrkt_cash_eng
Telegram Russia: https://t.me/mrkt_cash
Telegram Korea: https://t.me/mrkt_cash_korea
Telegram China: https://t.me/mrkt_cash_china

Telegram Bot: https://t.me/mrkt_cash_bot 

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