My Bitshares problem (Help needed!)

Yesterday i took some time and decided to arrange my Bitshares account,so i found this site with informations about volume and active assets:
I said,ok,let's add all active assets to my favorites,so i could see what is trading,going up or down,maybe buy something..
And it took some time to manually search and add every asset to favorites,but i got it done.Now i had good list with all active assets on right side of the screen,great!
That was i login to my account and see this:

All messed up!Half of yellow stars are missing,most of the assets i added to my favorites are gone. :/
So i have a little question;how can i save my favorite assets so they stay in favorites and don't get lost on the wasteland's of internet?
There is no way im going to add all assets again,if they get deleted tomorrow..some solution must exist,so i hope someone can help me with that,because this is really annoying!

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