This post is dedicated to @farmerd. For those who don't know I created a BitShares asset called POWTOKEN. The idea was inspired after learning about whaletokens over on WhaleShares. Although the idea here is a bit different. I recognize that the way the people get information is changing. I wanted to create a true 'proof-of-brain' token where I would back the tokens redemption with my own cognitive effort. I coveted to write about any topic such redeemer requested. @farmerd was the first to redeem this token and his request was: "A day in the life of JohnR".

09/21/18 . This is a 'free day' because I have yet to begin work at my law firm.

0701: I wake up in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. A quiet morning: I only counted two police sirens blaring below me as I focus my thoughts and enter full consciousness.

0705: I grind coffee beans I purchased on this coffee farm in Colombia.
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I reflect on how the average wage for a coffee bean farmer is 900 pesos/kg. The bag in my hands costs 72,000 pesos/kg. I think about the disparity of value that labor represents to my morning coffee. As a white collar service professional I wonder how much exactly I have in common with the men who picked these beans. I understand that labor is projected to capture an ever diminishing proportion of value creation in the developed world. After a few sips of caffeinated brew I am able to better compartmentalize this issue as I begin to contemplate my day. Older friends and family tell me this compartmentalization ability develops as one gets older. I’m not sure this is a good thing.

0730: I walk to the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial between my apartment and Riverside Park. Drinking my coffee is a serene experience as I look across the Hudson River at the contiguous United States.

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0805: I seek to read for two hours each morning. This morning I am reading Psychological Types of Carl Jung. I recommend it if you are curious about what makes people tick.
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1030: Eat half a bagel smothered with sunflower butter in anticipation of the day’s workout. I enjoy resistance training and seek to maximize the muscular force I can deploy in the compound movements: squat, deadlift, bench press, over head press.
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Squad goals

1215: Return home, shower, drink a protein shake.

1300-1630: Log on to email, telegram, and discord to catch up on messages from the night before. I am very excited about joining the BitShares committee so I will carry on some of the great conversations with colleagues there.
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Some of the cool people I talk to include

1745-2130: Head towards dinner in midtown with my girlfriend. We meet another couple and have a good evening walking around Chelsea and exploring new bars. I am a pretty introverted guy, so about halfway I am looking forward to some alone time to read my books and think about BitShares.
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2200: Evening rituals and contemplating what I will do the next day.

Thanks for reading and taking an interest in leveraging digital bearer instruments (tokens) in creative ways.

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