What does EOS+bitfinex mean to Bitshares? EOS要推出自己的交易所对BTS意味着什么

After bitfinex announced that they are developing a DEX on EOS, the EOS community are excited that another application is joining EOS, but, for the traditional DEX community, like Bitshares, they are worrying that the DEX on EOS will compete with BTS or even surpass it.

I don't think so.

First, both EOS and BTS are based on Graphene, and everyone knows that EOS is faster. However, TPS is not the only factor that people cares when they choose an exchange. Anyway, even for BTS, currently its blockchain is far from being fully filled.

Secondly, it still needs a lot of time for bitfinex to finish its development, probably a few month or even a few years until it is stabilized. You know Bitshares has been running 4 years and there are bugs now and then. As DEX on EOS is developing, Bitshares is evolving too.

Finally, and most importantly, from the limited information by now, I guess that what bitfinex is going to make is very different from Bitshares, probably it will only use EOS blockchain for recording asset transactions history, and the trading engine will be off chain. However, If more centralization exchanges learn from bitfinex, just like openledger, btsabc, gdex, hellobts and WINEX gateways on BTS right now, then it will be a real threat. Imagine that all the exchange assets are interconnected, all the records can be checked, that's perfect.


前几天被bitfinex要基于EOS做去去中心化交易所的消息刷屏了,这个消息在EOS圈里被认为是个重大利好,因为EOS生态圈又添加了一个重量级的应用。而在已经非常成熟的去中心化交易所bitshares社区,却是另一番景象, 因为这意味着会与BTS有直接的竞争关系。


首先,EOS与BTS同为Graphene底层,EOS做交易所比BTS的唯一优势可能在于速度上。但目前制约BTS进一步发展的并不是速度,毕竟每秒3000 TPS的速度对于目前应用来说已经绰绰有余了。



其实我最期望的一种模式,是EOS上架一个真正去中心化的交易所,所有的中心化交易所都以网关的模式移植到EOS,就像现在BTS上的openledger, btsabc, gdex, hellobts, winex网关一样。所有的交易所资产都互通,所有的记录都可查,那就完美了。但这就意味着所有交易所的燃料都会是EOS,目前交易所的平台币比如HT,ZB,TMC等等也就都没有意义了,所以这种可能性还是很小的。

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