Golden Payment Rails via BitShares

Here we go again! What more evidence is needed to seriously embrace and use a BitShares accessible Golden payment rail system for on/off ramps into crypto.

Breaking news from the death stars mouthpiece...

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The Sound Crypto Monetary Solution Exists!

BitShares provides users the ability to access physical real world payment solutions through its unique freedom seeking nature as a DAC.

A DAC, or Decentralized Autonomous Corporation, is an organization that is controlled by shareholders rather than a central authority. It is managed in whole or in part by a decentralized computer program, with voting and finances handled through a blockchain. DACs offer the potential to decentralize the entire world of business, commerce, finance, and the economy.

The Power of BitShares DAC is on display!


If you are interested in this Sound Crypto Monetary System then subscribe to my channel here on Hive, as I post regular BitShares Weekly Reports covering these developments.

Are you a merchant that would like to easily accept crypto payments for your goods and services, and would like to be paid in BitShares, Gold, Silver, Goldbacks, or for some weird reason USD. Then learn about Crypto Ninja

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