I'd like to buy you a beer ... with bit.CNY!

That's right, FarmerD in Canada wants to buy you a beer in China. Why ...


because BitShares is amazing!!

and because I can, and because it will be fun, and so why not?

Here's the story

Last week @kimchi-king retweeted this on twitter.

God those signs make me all giddy on the inside, I am so looking forward to seeing signs like these in a Canadian bar one day. But for now, I will be very happy to buy someone a beer in China, it would be an honor.

So where is this fine establishment you may be wondering?


So here is the deal.

First; get yourself to Weihai City. I know no one is going to go there just for a free beer, but if you are there (or close), maybe this free beer is for you. btw, I had no idea where this is, so here is a general idea.


chineese city.jpg
Looks like a nice place, albeit not much for farmland, lol.

Second; send me a private message on telegram and we will organize a time for me to buy you.... and oh sure why not, you and a friend, a beer.

That's it. Easy peasy.

I REALLY hope this happens. I suspect it maybe one of the first, if not the first, beer bought across the world with bit.CNY.

It would make my day to see this happen.

Thank you,


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