BitFest, Yes please!

The BitShares Blockchain Foundation (BBF) wants to throw a party!


"We take the initiative to organize an international conference for Graphene, BitShares and Blockchain enthusiasts...Purpose of the conference is to bring the BitShares Community together, collaborate, and network...There will also be inspiring speakers, start-up pitches, great food, and the city of Amsterdam to enjoy and relax. As we would like to create a cosy and personal atmosphere at the conference, we schedule for 250-300 attendees."
More info here

As amazing as this sounds

I'm surprised to see that BitFest hasn't been voted in yet, why?


Maybe people are wondering, as I did, why this is a worker proposal?

Fair enough, here is their answer.

"As it is the first conference in its kind, it is hard to estimate how many participants there will be and whether it will be a success or not. Therefore, we would like to ask the Community to cover our risk. For instance, when too few tickets are sold we would have to incur a loss for the fixed costs as venue reservation, invited speakers, website costs besides the effort we put into planning and organizing BitFest. This means that, we, as a non-profit organization run a risk here, and we do not want a body with losses."

"Purpose of the conference is to bring the BitShares Community together, collaborate, and network ... We believe that it will be an amazing and inspiring weekend for all involved and we are really passionate to organize it. "

If you are thinking "Oh it's not until the end of September I'll vote later." Just remember that a conference like this takes time and effort to organize.

This is a huge opportunity.

I know our community has it's problems, but what community doesn't? We are like a family, maybe it is time we all come together and have a little party.

If I could go, I would go with out question; it is a dream of mine to one day meet you all in person. There are so many good people here in the BitShares community, whom I'd like to thank in person for what they do. Please take this opportunity to do it for me. I would be very grateful to see this happen. Please vote for BitFest, go to Amsterdam, have a beer with each other, you deserve it. BitShares deserves it.

Thank you very much.



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