Hello Readers and Followers

It's been awhile since my last post. I've been recovering from body and wallet after a series of storm hit crypto market and the town I'm residing. For those who don't know, I live in Marikina City, Philippines that was recently hit by heavy rain fall that cause the city to submerge in water. Yes, almost the whole Marikina City were flooded. Now, everyone here is recovering from the disaster that hit this City. About my condition, I'm still on the process of healing myself.

BTW, I'll soon be creating a new account. Creating a new account is also a symbol of me that I will manage to go through all this trial in my life, that I have succeeded breaking the walls that stopped me from moving forward. I'll also start making some cover next month if I manage to earn enough equipment to be used on my covers.

I know most of the people here are having a hard time due to this bear market that's been hitting us for months now. I believe that this will end in no time, just like the storm that flooded my city. Everything will be okay. All we have to do is keep up picking up the pieces of what's left in us. Life is too short to be regretful, live your life to the fullest! I got margin called pick up what's left on my cryptos, move on and start over again. I know someday this market will once again recover from all of this. Keep your faith on this field of innovation. It's too early to give up! Blockchain technology is just getting started. All these drama will soon end.

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