Bitcoin a Ticking Time Bomb


After bitfinexed twitter page series of bombardment against Bitfinex pumping Bitcoins price. More people are realizing that Bitcoin is going to collapse anytime. They are the one's who buys investors Bitcoin using USDT that they produce. In my previous post I discuss that USDT doesn't hold any value at all and it's in their terms and agreement.

And, now Bitfinex is mass producing Millions of USDT to buy investors BTC?

At first it was suspicious for Bitcoin to reach such heights in just 2 months. I keep telling that there is someone manipulating the Bitcoins price. Now the culprit has appeared. and Bitfinex is pumping BTC price with 0 value USDT.

What will happen if this collapse?

Do you know the Bitcoins price before it pumps to $11,000 USD? $3800 USD. 300% increase in total price in just 2 months. This is total bullshit despites Bitcoin marketcap is so massive.


I don't want to burst your bubble but if you have investment in Bitcoin or USDT I suggest going into AEX.COM or Bitshares DEX and exchange them for bitUSD which has a collateral value of 1.75 using Bitshares. Bitcoin is going to explode soon and I hope that you don't have any investment in BTC or USDT in some of your wallet convert them now to something more reliable like bitUSD.

For those who don't want to click the links here's the terms and agreement in that is pumping Bitcoin since last 2 months. People please read!


It states that:

PURCHASE AND REDEMPTION OF TETHERS: The Site is an environment for the purchase and redemption of Tethers. Once you have Tethers, you can trade them, keep them, or use them to pay persons that will accept your Tethers. However, Tethers are not money and are not monetary instruments. They are also not stored value or currency.

If you guys are also using this exploit please stop. This will hurt the crypto market really bad and everyone will suffer because of this.

Please kindly read.

I am thankful there are so many helping me in achieving this goal. Friends on STEEMIT and those who donates in my Bitshares Wallet. Without you guys I won't be making this far. THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE!

For those who wanted to help me achieve my goal, you can donate Bitshares in my Bitshares Wallet: doc-mac18 and to those who wanted to donate their SBD or STEEM you can directly send them to this account. Thank you!

Nem Dayao,
Your Bitshares Enthusiast

Thanks to @orelmely for the GIF image

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