
這幾個月來常常看到有人談比特股就會問問關於UIA是怎麼回事(因為自己沒空研究想搭搭便車),但一直以來都還是停留在粗淺認識上。今天下午好好地找找看看後,雖然稍微多懂了一些,但離自己能真的去發行UIA,恐怕還有段距離。實際操作上是很簡單,真的是點一點輸入一些參數就行,但這些選項背後的意義沒搞清楚前,我還不想胡亂嘗試... 把bitshares官網的兩個相關網頁翻譯了一下,作為今日工作的成果。歡迎各位對於UIA有興趣的朋友們可以加入行列一起來把這東西搞清楚一點... Bitshares系統真的是博大精深哪!容易上手,但要懂要學的事情真的還好多哪~

This post is a Chinese translation of two webpages (1,2) that are related to UIAs, which I am trying to study further and hopefully I can manage to try to issue some UIAs of my own soon.




The BitShares 2.0 network consist of several assets, tokens or currencies. All assets are equal from a technological point of view and come with more or less the same features, namely, they can be traded against each other and can be transferred within seconds. The differences between them are of economical nature.


User Issued Assets (UIAs)


Freely traded tokens created by individuals used for a variety of use-cases, such as stock, miles, event tickets or reputation points.

Market-Pegged Assets (MPA)


These SmartCoins track the value of an underlaying asset, such as Gold, or U.S. Dollar. Smartcoins can be created by anyone contracting with the BitShares ecosystem and putting sufficient BTS (at least 175%) into the so called collateralized loans as collateral.

Exchange Backed Assets (EBA)


This kind of asset is commonly known as I owe you (IOU). It represents the right to withdraw the same amount (minus fees) of a backing asset from a central entity. Often they are issued by a bank, an exchange or an other financial institute to represent deposit receipts.

Privatized Bit-Assets


A flexible mixture between UIA and MPA that allows 3rd parties to create their own customized MPAs.

Fee Backed Assets


An FBA is a token that pays you a fraction of the transaction fees generated by a particular feature that has been funded independent of BitShares.

Prediction Market Asset

此一資產與MPA類似,只是其錨定值介於零與一之間。在預測事件結束後,餵價(price feed)可以用來決定採行哪一個選項,然後參與者再按此價格結清平倉(settle)。

A prediction market is similar to a MPA, that trades between 0 and 1, only. After an event, a price feed can be used to determine which option to take and participants can settle at this price.



BitShares allows individuals and companies to create and issue their own tokens for anything they can imagine. The potential use cases for so called user-issued assets (UIA) are innumerable. On the one hand, UIAs can be used as simple event tickets deposited on the customers mobile phone to pass the entrance of a concert. On the other hand, they can be used for crowd funding, ownership tracking or even to sell equity of a company in form of stock.


All you need to do is click in order to create a new UIA is a few mouse clicks, define your preferred parameters for your coin, such as supply, precision, symbol, description and see your coin’s birth after only a few seconds. From that point on, you can issue some of your coins to whomever you want, sell them and see them instantly traded against any other existing coin on BitShares.


Unless you want some restriction. As the issuer, you have certain privileges over your coin, for instance, you can allow trading only in certain market pairs and define who actually is allowed to hold your coin by using white- and blacklists. Of course, an issuer can opt-out of his privileges indefinitely for the sake of trust and reputation.


As the owner of that coin, you don’t need to take care of all the technical details of blockchain technology, such as distributed consensus algorithms, blockchain development or integration. You don’t even need to run any mining equipment or servers, at all.


So what’s the drawback?


There is a drawback in this scenario, namely, a centralized issuance of new tokens. To some extend, this could be managed by a hierarchical multi-signature issuer account that prevents any single entity from issuing new coins but instead requires a consensus among an arbitrary set of people to agree on any changes to the coin.


Obviously, the regulations that apply to each kind of token vary widely and are often different in every jurisdiction. Hence, BitShares comes with tools that allow issuers to remain compliant with all applicable regulations when issuing assets assuming regulators allow such assets in the first place.


  • 紅利點數
  • 粉絲點數
  • 飛航里程
  • 活動票證
  • 數位財產
  • 群眾募資
  • 公司股份

Reward Points
Fan Credits
Flight Miles
Event Tickets
Digital Property
Company Shares

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