The Usual Crypto Rollercoast, Who is Profiting by the Way?

Over the last week, BlockchainProjects BV has sponsored many hours from Dr.-Ing. Fabian Schuh to investigate and make updates to the documentation of the BitShares Platform on With a view on the questionable situation of delisting decisions in the market, this was felt by us as an immediate need to respond on behalf of the community. The situation made clear we need a better, organized response by the community if we want to be able to act when it is necessary, in time. Networking and marketing are also not organized which results in anonymity where it counts and a completely lack of mainstream awareness on the fantastic capabilities of the BitShares platform. Resulting is it simply not being taken into account when we should. The global market is turning towards mainstream adoption of blockchains. We all should consider on how to adapt to new times.

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