BitShares entered unplanned maintenance mode

around 1 hour ago BitShares network halted due to unknown reasons.

Witnesses and Developers are debugging at the moment and working on a fix

What does that mean for you

  • Do NOT Withdraw to your wallet at the moment
  • Your funds are safe (Blockchain state is secure)
  • For shorters: Price feeds are valid for some days and based on median

Will keep you updated

Update 10

network is operational.

Update 9 (UTC 17:25)

participation rate at 22% witnesses rebuilding and running on a slowly rolling out network of seednodes.

as per @dan: 'exchanges also need to update software'

Update 8 (17:18 UTC)

Ryan R. Fox (Fox):
The BitShares blockchian is currently bringing witnesses online at this time.

Update 7 (16:04 UTC)


I have identified a fix that enabled my local node to produce blocks. Witnesses are testing the fix now.

Update 6 (15:50 UTC)

Ryan R. Fox (Fox):
The BitShares blockchain remains halted. The root cause has been identified. The Core Development Team is coordinating a release at this time. Witnesses will be notified to update their nodes thereafter. Please expect another update in nearly 30 minutes.

Update 5 (15:05 UTC)

Ryan R. Fox (Fox):
The BitShares blockchain remains halted. The Core Development Team continues to actively identify the root cause. Witnesses are available to implement the resulting patch when it becomes available. Please expect another update in nearly 30 minutes.

Update 4

Ryan R. Fox (Fox):
The BitShares blockchain remains halted. Daniel Larimer is actively working with the BitShares Core development team to identify the root cause of the issue.

Update 3

Ryan R. Fox (Fox):
The BitShares network remains halted. The Core Developers are actively debugging. A re-sync is in progress to further their investigation. Expect another update in ~30 minutes.

Update 2

From Telegram:

The BitShares blockchain is halted. No blocks are being produced. No transactions are being processed. This results in all blockchain data being protected as is. The Witnesses and developers are actively debugging the issue and working to restore the blockchain at this time. Please expect another update within the hour.

Update 1

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